Page 43 of Little Cat

‘What’s up, you have a boyfriend yet?’

‘Fuck off. None of your business.’

‘So what are you doing then? My mother said the Second Cup still?’

‘Yeah. So what are you doing these days besides studying?’


‘That’s it?’


‘No girls?’

‘No girls.’

‘I don’t believe you.’

‘It’s true.’

‘I bet there’s some good-looking girls in your class.’

‘They’re all right.’

‘What? No one you like?’

‘No one like you.’

‘Oh, come on!’ I was smiling at him. His legs looked too long for the back of the car. I was uncomfortable in my dress. It was low-cut. I had a shawl wrapped around me.

‘Let me see you.’


‘Why not?’

I let the shawl fall down my shoulders. I shifted a bit on the seat so that my body was facing him.

‘You look good.’

I looked down.

‘So what are you really doing now?’

‘I feel weirded out telling you.’


‘I don’t know. Just do.’



‘What?’ Ezrah turned his body away from me. ‘Fuck!’

Both of us went silent. I could tell he was thinking of what to say next without making things worse. But his lips were shut so tight it was hard for him to get it out.