Page 6 of Little Cat

While the poor nymphs you force to share it with you

Do all they can to shun it.’

– Ovid, The Metamorphoses


It was just turning light in the room. I saw her lying there, dead to the world. Her head was hanging off the dirty beige couch. I walked up. I stood over her. I touched her breast, it was heaving up and down. My finger sunk in and I gripped my cock.

Her cheeks looked puffy. Her eyelids were dark. I pulled up her skirt. I was breathing so hard that I thought I might wake her. I started peeling down her underwear. My finger got stuck around the elastic. She was shifting around. I knew I had to go faster. I pulled her underwear down to her knees. I felt like I was running without moving. I thought she was going to wake up. I held the head of my cock, put it right where she was splitting. I spread her lips with two fingers.

Then I climbed onto the couch and grabbed her thighs with my knees. I pushed my cock up her. Fuck, I couldn’t help it. She started making these grunts. My heart was pounding.

I dropped so my palms ended flat on the couch beside her tits. There was a coffee stain beside her neck that looked like a smeared star. I felt her warm jiggling against my wrists. I was sliding my dick in and out of her now, it was going all the way in, my cock hard inside her. I couldn’t stop doing it, grunting with her. She felt like she was coming through the back of me. Every time I pumped toward her head it made her boobs shake more. I saw the slits of the whites of her eyes. I didn’t know if she knew it was me. I couldn’t stop fucking her body. And her insides were getting hotter, her hips pushed up to meet me. She was breathing faster than me now. Her lips were limp, I saw her tongue.

Moving in and out, I wanted to finish, I wanted to come, my cock was going in and out and she was whipping her head side to side. On one stroke, we stuck together with my dick pushing up in her before bursting, and I toppled to pull out, my come shooting on her stomach.

I lay there breathing heavily, flat on her flesh. I wanted to say something to her, my lips were near her neck. I could smell food behind her in the cracks of the pillows.

These little whines were curling out of her mouth. I wanted to say something to make her stop. I didn’t know what to say. I’m sorry, I wanted to say something like that, I’m sorry. But I felt a stem in my throat and I started coughing. The next thing I knew I was pushing off her completely. Standing over her. She was still lying there dead to the world. The smell of something humid, that dirty beige couch, the smell of her was all over me.

‘I can’t open my eyes!’ she whispered.

I felt sick to my stomach. She was scaring me now. The whites of her eyes were flickering under her lids. It was like she was watching me from the window of a train. I’d pushed off her too roughly. I walked out of the room, fast, down the hall. I shut myself in her bathroom. The bath mat was burgundy, shaggy and wet. I heard her yelling after me, ‘You fucked me in my sleep! You fucked me in my sleep!’ I knew that if I stayed in there long enough, she would fall back asleep so I could leave on my own.


My friend knew that I hadn’t been with anyone in a while. He told me about this girl at the bar where he worked who’d been coming in for about a year. He said she always came alone, and she almost always left with someone different. He said she was really good-looking. My friend told me he thought that she’d just broken up with someone, because she’d hadn’t come in for a couple months and now she was back, a few nights a week, sitting alone. She hadn’t let anyone take her home yet, my friend said, but I bet if you came you’d get her.

The night I decided to go, I was feeling pretty good. I remember the second I walked into the club I saw my friend and her talking already. He saw me right away too. He pointed to me and she turned around and smiled. She was really good-looking. Her hair was long and dark and kind of wild at the bottom. Her breasts were large. She was wearing a short skirt, bare legs. Her legs were uncrossed. We didn’t talk so much right away. I felt like I couldn’t really speak to her. We just sat beside each other and drank. I saw her hands were gripping her wineglass and rubbing up and down the stem. I moved in a bit closer to her so that our arms were touching. She didn’t pull away.

Then my friend started giving us a bunch of drinks on the house. We began talking, I don’t even remember about what, and I let my hand go under the bar. My fingers started touching the top of her thigh. She was letting me, I mean she relaxed into it, and I could feel that feeling of knowing in us both. I wasn?

?t used to that kind of knowing in a girl. And she was smiling, pretending like it wasn’t even happening, which was turning me on more. I began rubbing her thigh, feeling up the crack of her legs pressing together.

When I got up to her panties she turned to me and her eyes were glassy.

‘I’m going home now. You want to come with?’

We were drunk. I grabbed her hand and we left the bar fast together. I’d forgotten to say goodbye to my friend. While we were sitting in the cab on the way to her place, I started feeling up in the exact same place on her thighs. This time she spread her legs open a bit for me. I slid my hand under the bottom of her skirt. My fingers dug into her thighs. Her relaxation was tightness now, it was amazing, it was like she knew how to play with that line. I felt this heat coming from her pussy. Her panties were wet. She was squirming for me.

When we got to her building, she led me up two flights of stairs. I watched the parts of her ass move together and apart under her skirt. She knew that I was looking at her ass, so she pushed it out more and started laughing.

She didn’t turn on the lights in her apartment. She just let me in and shut the door behind us. We passed through a living room area with a couch and a TV and I followed close behind down a hallway to her bedroom. I kept looking at her ass, so round in her skirt. I was happy for the street light outside that came through her bedroom window at the end of the hallway. The light outlined her ass, it made her so fucking sexy.

She walked over to the window and pressed her hands up against it. I got behind her and pushed myself against her ass. She was still kind of laughing. I reached around and squeezed her big breasts through her shirt. She started pushing back and circling her ass into me. I put my chin on her shoulder, my lips to her neck. She smelled like wine. I kept opening my mouth on her skin. I looked down at my hands on her tits. I was pinching her big nipples through her shirt, which was blousy and flowered and thin.

Then she squirmed out of my grip and turned her body around toward me. Her tits were thrusting into my hands. I started to feel up under her shirt and her bra but she held down my arms.

‘Wait,’ she said.

She stood a few inches away from me and leaned her head back into the window. The glare from the street light was stronger here and it made a halo of greenish light all around her. She lifted up her arms slowly and took off her blouse. Her breasts looked so huge. I’d actually never seen breasts so big on such a short girl. Her nipples were hard under her white bra. It looked like a sports bra, which wasn’t too sexy, but the shape of her nipples, rectangular, made me not care. Then she unzipped her skirt and walked out of it. She was standing there so close to me in her sports bra and panties. I really wanted to fuck her. She unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. She unhooked her bra. There was pounding in my ears. I couldn’t stop thinking: I’m seeing her naked tits right in front of me and she wants me to.

Then she walked behind me and rubbed her breasts into my back. I let out tight breaths. She lay her hands on my shoulders, slid them down and around my chest. She started pinching my nipples. She kept doing it, pinching harder, until my breath got faster. She was putting her mouth and her tongue all over my back. Her lower body was grinding against me.

My whole body went hot for a second, like I was going to come right then. I turned around quick, I needed to fuck her, her chest rising, her nipples purple and hard. I looked toward her bed. It was a double bed low to the ground, heaped with sheets and plaid blankets. She crossed her arms over her tits like she was amused. She watched me take off my pants and my underwear. She was staring at my hard cock.

I opened my arms to her and tried to kiss her but she jerked away. So I grabbed her. She started squealing. I bent her body in two and I gripped her hard by the waist. Her head was near the floor and she was bracing her hands on the edge of the bed. Her hair was splayed out like a broom. The cheeks of her ass were opening up.