“No alcohol for me,” Beth explained. “I’ve sworn off sugary drinks. I’m on a diet.”
Kara curled one side of her lips. “Bitch, I just saw you eating cookies.”
“Correction: half a cookie. It doesn’t count if it’s only half.”
“And french fries,” I added, more than happy to move on to another topic.
“One french fry. That doesn’t count either.”
Kara’s eyes suddenly gleamed with mischief as she reached for the bowl of cookies.
Beth quickly grasped the bowl. “What are you doing?”
“You said you’re on a diet.”
Beth narrowed her eyes. “Really?”
They stared at each other.
“I hate you,” Beth growled after a moment, plucking one cookie from the bowl before she released it.
As Kara stepped away with the bowl, Beth broke down and fished out another cookie. “Okay. Last one. Take them evil things away now. Take them far, far away.”
Kara threw me an impish grin. “Hey, Ver, I’ve got some cake in the fridge. Want some?”
“You’re such an asshole, Kar.” Beth paused for three seconds. “Is it chocolate?”
“Oh, please. Is there any other flavor worthy of my mouth?”
“I’ll get it,” I offered, taking a sip from my cup before heading to the fridge.
“So, how was the party last night?” Kara asked. “You didn’t have to come home this morning.”
“I wouldn’t have left you last night if—”
Kara waved me away. “I told you I was okay. I’m just really, really grateful nothing happened to my dad and Dylan. If—” Kara’s voice broke.
Beth squeezed Kara’s hand. I set the box of cake on the counter and placed my hand on Kara’s shoulder, offering support.
“I’m fine.” Kara sniffled, pulling away from us. I handed her a tissue, and she carefully wiped the mascara under her eyes. “Ver, you know Dad sends the guys home when it’s not that busy. He and Dylan usually finish up whatever work’s left over. So if they had been at the back bay where the fire started… If they…”
“Stop it, Kar. No one was hurt. Thinking about the what-ifs isn’t going to help you or them, and it’s not going to change anything. They’re fine. That’s all that matters.”
“Ver is right,” Beth agreed.
Kara nodded and took a deep breath. “While Ver here was sleeping off her sexual adventures, I got a call from Dylan after lunch. The kids who set the shop on fire were caught this morning.”
“Right on! Idiots think they can get away.” Beth paused. “Wait, who are they?”
“Remember I told you about those skaters who kept slapping my car when Ver and I were leaving the mall? And I threw my milk shake at them?”
“What the hell. Really?” Beth looked furious. “They set fire to your shop because you threw your milk shake at them?”
“Here’s the kicker: someone paid them to do it.”
“Wait, what?” I snapped. Shocked, I gripped Kara’s arm.
Kara nodded grimly. “According to the officer, all of them said a lady approached them at the mall that day. Paid them five grand to