She bit her lip, tucking her hair behind her ear.
She’s sick, Cal.
I shut my eyes tightly, blowing out a breath. She needed help, and I’d be a major douchebag if I didn’t at least try.
“How are you?” I asked.
She glanced at me, her eyes tearing up.
She has a penchant for faking her panic attacks to get what she wants…
I felt like an ass for thinking this when she needed a friend, but I c
ouldn’t help it.
“I’m fine.” She paused, her lip trembling. “Actually…I’m not doing well.”
“I’m sorry,” I said uselessly.
When she started to scratch her arm, I held her hand to stop her. Ben had told me she would keep scratching until she bled.
As soon as I touched her, I regretted it.
She took it as a sign that everything was back to normal between us. Tears started to pour down her face as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me.
“Oh, Cal! I feel so alone. I can’t do this alone.”
“Please,” she sobbed, burying her face in my chest.
I raised my arms awkwardly. I knew the right moves when a girl cried on my shoulder, but I couldn’t seem to wrap my arms around her in comfort. I patted her back instead.
“Are…are you”—she hiccupped—“still mad at me? Cal?” When I didn’t answer, her arms wrapped more tightly around me. “Please don’t be, Cal. Please. I don’t think I can take more heartache. I’m going through a lot with my dad, and if you’re mad at me too, then…”
“I’m sorry for what you’re going through right now. I really am.”
“Oh, Cal! I missed you so much! I knew you wouldn’t stay mad at me for long.”
“Veronica was just a distraction, yes? Miranda says you’re going to live in Saskatchewan and manage your new hotel there. Once you’re there, Veronica won’t be around to amuse you anymore. I can go there with you—”
“—and help you with anything you need. Anything, Cal. I’ll give everything—”
“Listen to me.”
My eyes shifted to the door as I heard someone clearing their throat. I spotted Ben first, and then my heart jumped into my throat as I saw Red beside him, staring at us.
Through the guilt and pity I was feeling for Beatrice-Rose, relief and pleasure flooded me as I realized Red was finally here. Then pleasure turned into horror as I realized how this might seem to Red. Beatrice-Rose was still holding on to me, crying. And I had my arms around her.
Reluctantly, I returned my gaze to Beatrice-Rose. “I’m sorry. I appreciate the help, but I’m not relocating to Saskatchewan.” I gently removed her arms from around me. “My fiancée’s here, and I go where she goes.”