“I don’t feel good about this. Just stay away from her, Ver.”
“I’m not planning on having any sleepovers with her, that’s for sure,” I replied dryly.
Kara snorted. “Bitch’d probably cook you for breakfast if you did.”
She parked the car at the farthest end of the lot.
“Too bad she’s not sick enough to be committed involuntarily. Maybe she’s just faking it to get sympathy. Everyone goes to therapy now, so what? I don’t feel bad for her at all. Everyone’s life has shit in it. Sometimes some people have more shit than others, but having more shit doesn’t give you the right to throw shit on other people. You know what? Let’s forget about her. Give me that Iced Capp.”
“Don’t start farting at work,” I reminded her, pulling it from the cup holder and handing it to her.
She gave me the finger and snatched the Iced Capp.
“Are you sure you want to work tomorrow?” Kara asked. “You can take the day off. It’s your fiancé’s birthday.”
I shook my head no. Weekends were very busy at the shop. I couldn’t do that to Kara. Besides, Caleb wouldn’t be back until later that day. He’d wanted to pick me up, but I told him I’d drive there with Kara.
“Okay, then take a half day,” she insisted.
“No. Besides, we’ll go to the party together. We have enough time to get ready and be there on time.”
“Yeah. I got your back, sister.”
I was counting on it.
* * *
I woke up the next day excited and anxious. Today was Caleb’s birthday party.
At work, I glanced at the clock again—for the hundredth time. Why does time move so slowly when you’re waiting for something?
I was excited to see him, very anxious about meeting his mom again, his brother, and all of his guests. There would be a lot of affluent people attending.
That shouldn’t intimidate me, but it did.
Grabbing my phone, I pressed the home button and stared at the background picture of Caleb kissing me in the car. And I suddenly felt better.
He would be there. That was the important thing. I remembered our phone call from this morning.
“Today’s my birthday,” Caleb had said excitedly.
I laughed. “Happy birthday, Caleb.”
“It’s not that happy until I see you. Are you sure you don’t want me to pick you up later?”
“I’m sure. Kar’s driving me, and it’s all planned out. I’ll see you at your party.”
“Don’t forget my gift.”
“What makes you think you’re getting a gift?”
The shock in his voice made me laugh.
“Are you sexting Lockhart?”
I blinked and realized I had been grinning stupidly at my phone while replaying the memories from this morning.