“I’m okay, Crys. Thanks.”

“All right. Holler if you need anything.”

I straightened up and pulled my shoulders back, even as tears pricked my eyes.

I’m strong. I’ve always been strong. I can do this.

“Hi. I’m Veronica, and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with something to drink?”

I watched as one of the girls in the group got up and sashayed toward the guy sitting beside Caleb. She bent down and whispered something to the guy, flicking her blond hair over her shoulder as she eyed Caleb like a piece of candy. The guy grinned at her and stood up, offering her his seat. She winked at him in thanks and moved the chair closer to Caleb before sitting down.

I glanced at Caleb. He leaned back in his chair, his arms on the table as he stared at his watch. I noticed that his hands, clad in black motorcycle gloves, were formed into fists. His jaw was hard. I realized he was trying not to look at me.

“There you are, final—Hey, sweetheart, it’s you!”

My head quickly turned at the familiar, obnoxious voice. It was Justin. I was so focused on Caleb that I hadn’t noticed him.

“Yo, dude, Caleb! Your ex is here!” Justin hollered across the table.

I gasped as Caleb pushed the table with force, rising to his feet. “Shut the fuck up,” he whispered, a warning in his tone.

The group fell silent.

And then Caleb turned and walked toward the exit.

“Excuse me,” I choked out and fled the scene.

My hands shook as I took off my apron and went to the back. Relieved to find Crystal there, I told her I needed fresh air and asked if she could take care of table six for me. She looked at me with sympathy and told me to take fifteen.

I ran to the back exit off the kitchen, cupping my mouth with both my hands to keep my whimpers from escaping. I sat on the ground, burying my face in my arms as I cried. When I heard the door open, I didn’t stop. I couldn’t.

“Hey, Angel Face.”

I sobbed.

“Hey, come on now. It’s okay.”

I felt Damon’s arm around my shoulders, awkwardly patting my back. I let out a few breaths and calmed myself, wiping my cheeks with my hands.

“He was inside,” I told him.

“I know. I saw.”

“He looked at me like I was a stranger. He hates me. I…” My voice trailed off as I saw a figure walk in front of us.

The back door faced the bar’s parking lot. And there in front of us stood Caleb. He looked at us for a moment, his gaze lingering on Damon’s arm around my shoulders before he walked away.

I stood up, taking a few steps toward him. “Caleb.”

He paused, standing in the dark as he waited for me to speak.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I held my breath when, finally, he turned around to face me.

“Having fun?” he asked, his face devoid of any emotion.

Oh, Caleb.
