I shook his hand. “I know. Kar’s waiting for me in the car.”
His eyes snapped behind me, searching for Kara. I knew that look; I’d seen it in Caleb’s eyes too.
“How is…” He looked torn. “Would you like to come in?”
I shook my head. “Is Caleb here?”
He pressed his lips together. “He left a couple hours ago.”
I swallowed my disappointment. “Oh. Did…did he say where he’s going?”
“He went to his family’s cabin. It’s a five-hour drive out of the city.” Cameron’s ice-blue eyes were piercing as he studied my face. “He’s staying there for a week.”
He nodded, crossing his arms as he leaned his side against the doorjamb. “Why did you come here?”
“I…came to get him back.”
He smiled. “He cares for you more than he has for anyone. I’ve never seen him like this before.”
My chest tightened.
“Listen,” he started, his eyes narrowing, “he fell asleep and dreamed about you. When he woke up, Beatrice-Rose was on top of him, kissing him.”
I gasped in horror. That was what Caleb was trying to tell me, and I had refused to listen to him because I was too stubborn, too afraid to trust.
“Caleb always sees the good in people; it’s his weakness. And I’ve seen Beatrice-Rose take advantage of that.” Cameron straightened and slipped his hands in his pockets. His eyes briefly darted behind me again.
“But when he tells you nothing happened, nothing happened. If you know Caleb, and I think you do, you know he’s too honest for his own good.”
“I need to apologize to him. I-I want him back.”
“He thinks you don’t. He thinks you hate him and that you’d left with Damon. Maybe you both need some time to cool off.” He let out a sigh. “She was here too.”
I frowned. “Who?”
“Beatrice-Rose. She was here looking for Caleb just an hour ago.”
My eyes widened in alarm, and I looked at him questioningly.
“No, I didn’t tell her where he is,” Cameron said, smiling.
I gave him a watery smile in return.
“Will you”—he looked at Kara again, then back to me—“take care of her for me?”
I nodded, because he had taken care of Caleb for me. Because I could see how much he cared for Kara and how much he hurt.
I understood him. Even though I didn’t know his reasons, I understood there were inner demons that prevented us from being with the person we wanted most.
I knew that very well.
When I got back in the car, I told Kara what Cameron had told me.
“Beatrice-Rose is like that evil spirit in The Grudge, you know? That ugly, scary mofo who follows people around? There was this one scene where she chased what’s-her-name—that chick who played Buffy the vampire slayer? Have you seen that movie? Poor girl fell from the hospital building. Ugh. Beatch is exactly that evil spirit.”
Do you like scary movies? We should watch scary movies together. I have a list… In my mind, I saw Caleb’s handsome, smiling face asking me those questions as we sat in his car. I shook my head, trying to erase the memory.