So that was part of the later too. All right then.
I could see the throng of people and hear the faint sound of music and muted conversation floating in the air. I heard Red take a deep breath, felt her anxiety in the way her hand gripped mine as we walked through the crowd.
“Are you hungry? Let’s get you something to eat before you say hi to my mom. She’s looking forward to seeing you tonight.”
That was supposed to make Red feel better, but when I turned to look at her, worry lines creased her forehead, and she bit nervously at her bottom lip.
“What do you think about snails?” I teased, slowly leading her to the empty dance floor.
That earned a laugh. “I’d rather eat broken glass. I’m not hungry.”
Her eyes suddenly dropped to my mouth. I couldn’t help it; I licked my bottom lip.
When her eyes shifted up to mine, I said quietly, “I am.”
She blushed.
People were looking at us, staring at her, and who could blame them? She was the most beautiful woman at the party. On earth. In the whole wide fucking universe.
It wasn’t just her beauty, although that alone could make anyone stop and stare. But a lot of people possessed beauty on the outside, God-given or man-made. The vulnerability in Red’s eyes made you want to come closer; the secrets in them made you want to know more. And if you were lucky enough, she’d let you have a glimpse.
“Dance with me, Red.”
She looked up at me, her eyes wide and nervous. I just smiled reassuringly, took her small purse and the paper bag from her hands, placed them on a nearby table, and returned to her.
The lights dimmed and soft
ened as she placed a hand on my shoulder. Watching her lovely face, I offered her my hand, palm up. She smiled warmly and took it. I smiled back before curling my other hand around her waist and pulling her closer.
“You’re so beautiful. It almost hurts to look at you,” I murmured, wishing that we were alone.
A breeze blew gently around us, carrying the scent of roses. It mixed with the alluring scent of her skin. I heard her sigh softly as she rested her cheek on my chest. Music drifted around us. Janacek, I realized. Ben must have chosen the band’s playlist tonight. I closed my eyes, slowly swaying her body with mine.
“I thought you weren’t going to come,” I whispered in her hair.
Gently, I stroked my fingertips along the exposed skin of her back. It felt so smooth, so warm. When I felt her shiver, I smiled knowingly. I wanted to be alone with her.
“I wouldn’t miss your birthday for the world.”
“Half an hour more without you, and I’d have been out of here to pick you up. You weren’t even answering your phone.”
“I’m sorry, Caleb.”
The sadness was back in her eyes. I wanted to make it disappear.
“I’d ask them to put on your song so you can do that magic thing with your hips—”
She laughed. I would forever remind her of this, even tell this tale to our kids once they were old enough.
“—but that dance is exclusively mine.”
When she looked at me, the sadness in her eyes was replaced with amusement. “What did you say to Beatrice-Rose? She looked really angry,” she said.
“I told her you’re my fiancée.”
“I don’t want to talk about her.”