“I’m Caleb Lockhart.”

I didn’t smile back, didn’t tell him I already knew who he was. Who didn’t? Everyone in our college knew about him.

“Which university do you attend?” he asked.

How did he know I was even attending one? “Letting me stay here doesn’t mean I have to spill my guts, does it?”

“You actually did already. In my car, remember?” he pointed out dryly. “Can you please take a shower? Feel free to borrow my clothes. Even”—he grinned—“my underwear.”

I snorted. We stood facing each other, unsure, lost in our thoughts. Was I doing the right thing by staying here? Where else would I go?

“You can stay in that bedroom where you slept last night. It has its own bathroom.” He went back behind the counter, distancing himself from me. “I’m leaving soon. Make yourself at home.”

I nodded, feeling awkward. Was this really happening? How could he leave me alone in his place when he didn’t even know me? I could rob him blind, for all he knew.

“Thank you. I…” I paused, unsure. “Thank you,” I repeated, meaning it.

He nodded.

I turned away from him, biting my lip. Where the hell was that room again? I looked to my left, then to my right. His apartment was enormous, and I had been in a panic when I left the bedroom.

“Problem?” he asked.

I jumped, spinning back around. I looked up—and up—to find him standing right behind me, smiling. This close and in my bare feet, he towered over me. “I-I forgot where the room is. Just tell me where it is, and I’ll stay out of your way.” I could feel myself blushing.

When he didn’t reply, I glared at him. He was still smiling.

“What?” I demanded.

“Jeesh, hostile much?” He moved in front of me. “Follow me.”

I walked behind him, trying not to stare at his body too much. I almost yelped when he suddenly glanced back over his shoulder. He winked at me and said, “Welcome to my place, Red. I hope you enjoy your stay.”

Chapter Three


Girls were my weakness.

I knew this, but I had never broken my rules for any girl.

Until last night.

Sweat trickled down my face as I gripped the ball in my hands, raised my arms, and took my shot. I cursed under my breath when I missed the second time.

What the hell was I thinking?

I’d already decided I’d give her money so she could rent her own place, but the second I saw her this morning—with the defiance in her dark eyes, but most of all, the sadness she tried so hard to hide—my plans had disappeared like a puff of smoke.

On the way back to the locker room, I caught the fresh towel Cameron threw at me and wiped my face with it. I was distracted, and practice had been brutal.

Justin appeared in front of me, jogging backward. “Did your mommy forget to breastfeed you this morning, Lockhart? Your game sucked, dude.”

I threw the towel at his face.

“Where’d you go last night?” Cameron asked, ignoring Justin’s whiny complaints.

“Yeah,” Justin piped up. “I saw you talking to that hot piece of ass at the club. Did you score?”