“Cal! I missed you!” she cried out, delighted.

My insecurities came flooding back with a vengeance as Caleb hugged her back before pulling away from her. He looked at her and smiled.

“Hey, B. How are you?”

She was petite. And very beautiful, with classical features that reminded me of the princesses in fairy tales.

The first thing I noticed was her hair. It was light blond, straight as a pin, and ended just below her jawline in a perfect bob. Ruler-straight bangs framed her big blue eyes.

It was hard not to appreciate the white satin blouse she had on, with a loose bow tied around the collar. She paired it with black leather shorts that showcased long legs and a pair of royal blue pumps. She exuded class and expensive things.

I felt like a character in “Jack and the Beanstalk.” The giant, to be specific.

She placed her hand on Caleb’s arm. Squeezed. “I’m good. I was just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by.”

“It’s fine,” Caleb said, steering her toward me. “I want you to meet my girlfriend, Red. Red, this is Beatrice-Rose.”

Girlfriend. Just hearing him introduce me like that sent the butterflies skittering around my stomach.

Beatrice-Rose’s eyes widened as, for the first ti

me, she finally noticed me. The hand that was on Caleb’s arm fell to her side when Caleb reached for my hand again, lacing our fingers together. Her blue eyes followed the movement, and stared at our intertwined fingers.

Something there, I thought, as an emotion flashed in her eyes, so fast I wasn’t sure what it was. Then she smiled at me.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude. It’s so nice to meet you, Red. I’m Beatrice-Rose.”

She offered her hand. Her nails were unpainted but tastefully manicured. My nails were chipped and untrimmed as I shook her smooth, soft hand, and I wondered what she thought of mine, rough from dishwashing and cleaning. I didn’t like this self-conscious feeling. Didn’t like it at all. I let go as fast as I could.

“Veronica, actually,” I clarified. “Caleb calls me Red. It’s nice to meet you too.”

She threw her head back and laughed. Did I say something funny?

“Cal, remember when we were kids and you used to call me Yellow? Glad you kept the habit.”

Her hand reached for his arm again. She touched him so casually, as if she’d had a lot of practice over the years.





Caleb nodded, smiling fondly as he remembered. My stomach knotted.

Beatrice-Rose’s eyes shifted to me. “It’s my hair,” she explained, pointing at her shiny locks.

I slowly removed my hand from Caleb’s, needing some space. He noticed, a frown marring his forehead.

“I called Ben Blue too,” he said, stubbornly reaching for my hand again. I tugged, but he only held it more firmly.

I didn’t want to hold his hand. I wanted to stomp my foot and walk away…but she was there and I didn’t want to appear to be a spoiled kid.

Beatrice-Rose let out a laugh. “Oh God, yes, I remember. Our families went on a lot of trips when we were younger. We got in trouble a lot. And Ben… Well, let’s just say he was less serious at the time. He had an obsession with dyeing his hair blue.”

Caleb laughed. “Yeah. He’s too busy with work now.”