“I heard every word. Every fucking lie you told her.”

I gasped.

All the years I’d spent socializing and cozying up to my parents’ business associates had trained me to present the perfect face, the perfect gestures and responses. I was bred to be the perfect socialite. The perfect fake, the perfect liar. But as I stared at the absolute hate in his eyes, I panicked. I couldn’t think of anything to defuse his anger.

I knew I had to say something, to repair this somehow. Tears usually got me what I wanted, especially from Caleb. I forced them out, and they cooperated beautifully.

“Cal, I don’t know what you heard, but I only apologized to her. To make her understand that last night wasn’t your fault.”

“It was my fault,” he whispered dangerously, glaring at me. “For trusting you.”

“No.” I shook my head. This wasn’t happening. “You don’t mean that. I only wanted—”

“We both know what you wanted. Congratulations, you’ve fucked up my life.”

I swallowed my panic. Everything had been perfect between me and Caleb before she came into the picture. Now that I was back from Paris, I was going to get Caleb back in my bed—permanently. I’d had it all planned out, and she’d ruined it.

“Caleb, no! I just wanted to protect you. Can’t you see who she is? What she’s doing? She slapped me, Caleb! And she left you for that guy. She left with him. She knows how to manipulate you—”

“The only one who manipulates people is you. You played me. Tell me, was it hard faking your panic attacks?”

I paled. How did he find out about my panic attacks? Who told him?

I was shaking in fear. My world was crumbling right in front of me. I was going to lose him. I could feel it.

“You told her we’re in love. I never loved you that way, Beatrice-Rose.” The next words he uttered tore apart my insides. “I’m sorry if you thought I did.”

Even though he was angry, I heard the sincerity in his voice.

The tears that poured down my face weren’t fake anymore. It felt like someone had ripped my heart out. It hurt so fucking bad.

He was so cold now, so unreachable as he ignored me and opened his car door. He didn’t even look at me again when he drove away.

What would you do if the only person you wanted to comfort you was the one who had caused you pain?

Caleb was just confused, blinded by his lust for that whore. Why else would he be obsessed with her, if not for sex?

Once he had sated his lust, he would come back to me. Like he always did. I had been patient and waited for him while he dated other girls, while he gave them his body. I knew I had his heart, and that was enough to reassure me. I had been with Caleb since the beginning, since we were kids. I knew him to the core. We had a history that she could never replace. Caleb loved me. He was just distracted. I’d make him remember. I’d make him remember how much he loved me.

Did he think I was going to let him get away from me? Never.

He would come back to me. I’d make sure of it.

I have a lot of work to do.

Chapter Thirty-five


I wish there was a way to turn off everything I felt. Feeling pain all the time was exhausting. I was almost blind from it as I walked away from Caleb. I wasn’t even sure where I was going as I pushed open doors and stepped outside the school building. I just needed to get away.

“Wait up, Angel Face.”

Damon. I had almost forgotten that he was with me.

“I’m sorry.” I stopped. A wave of dizziness hit me, and I would have fallen if Damon hadn’t caught me.

“Whoa. You need to sit down.”