He finally opened his eyes, but he didn’t speak.

He didn’t have to. I saw in his eyes that he had heard me, and that he was grateful and sorry. And that he loved me very much.

I got up and left.

* * *

We all had roles to play, and dealing with a lowlife like Justin was part of mine. I changed into a dark-red, long-sleeved dress to cover the scratches on my arms, and I told him to meet me at the photo studio on campus where I stored my equipment. I had a shoot later with a fat-ass socialite I’d met last week. She absolutely disgusted me, but she was friends with my favorite designer and she’d drop my name if I impressed her. Gotta do what you gotta do.

Justin had a role too. Someone I could use to keep tabs on Cal when I was away in Paris or wherever my mom wanted to send me. Someone who could get rid of the hungry sluts who wanted a piece of what was mine.

Caleb was mine. I was his first.

Everyone knew that he would marry me someday. We were perfect for each other. Our families were close, and we’d known each other our whole lives. Everyone knew—except that bitch Veronica. I hated her like I had never hated anyone in my life.

I was on my way to the photo studio when I froze in my tracks. I watched her now as she walked through the hallway, her head bowed low. Her face was sharp, almost fox-like, with big dark eyes and a wide mouth. She wore jeans and a white tank top that made her dusky-gold skin glow, but I knew she’d gotten those clothes from the Salvation Army.

The glow probably came from fucking Caleb day and night. I couldn’t blame her. He was irresistible. I wasn’t even jealous. He was just being a guy. Soon he’d cast her aside, and Caleb would be beside me again.

I watched as her long, dark hair swayed behind her back, reminding me of a cheap whore.

My mother’s voice echoed in my mind. Whores use their hair to seduce men, Beatrice-Rose. Don’t be a whore. Tie your hair appropriately, or you will get the belt.

What did Caleb see in her?

“She’s fucking hot,” Justin said, walking up beside me.

I eyed him with disgust. “You’d fuck anything with a skirt.”

“You’re not wearing a skirt, and I already fucked you.”

“Well, I’ve had better.” I smirked at him. He hated being looked down upon. “I need you to make sure Caleb doesn’t see her. I need to talk to the bitch.”

“Ooh. Catfight. Can I watch?”

I held my breath as I spotted Caleb in the hallway. If he kept walking, he would see Veronica. I couldn’t let that happen.

Caleb was an honest person, and very protective. Even when we were kids, we’d get in trouble a lot. I always begged him to lie, to make up a cover story, but he never would. He’d tell the truth and take the blame.

And I knew he had told Veronica what happened. I knew, just from a single phone call from someone, that Veronica had left his apartment, crying her heart out. I barely stopped myself from giggling at the picture. It was a really good day for me. I would not let her steal Caleb from me again.

“He’s going to see her,” I hissed at Justin. “Do something!”

“He loves that ass. Not you. When will you learn to swallow it, babe?”

“I said, do something! Distract him. Pick a fight with him, but don’t hurt him. What am I paying you for?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

My fingers clutched the pendant around my neck as I watched Justin approach Caleb. I turned and saw Veronica rush inside the washroom. Perfect.

I walked in there, making sure to put on my fake I’m-so-sorry face. I just needed to make sure that she knew what happened last night. And of course, exaggerate a little bit. Just a little to push her to the edge.

The devastation on her face when I told her I had sex with Caleb made me want to squeal with glee, but I held it in. She absolutely believed me. And why wouldn’t she?

I was an expert at this. I’d been at it since high school ever since Caleb slept with other girls and I had to get rid of them. Oh, how I loved this game. They were all pathetic and so easy to manipulate.

My work here was done. I should win an Oscar for this.