Her eyes filled with understanding. Last night, she and Beth had stayed up late with me, watching movies and eating ice cream like it was going out of style. Nothing beats girls’ night.

“I still think there’s more to this story.”

“Kar,” I warned.

“He told you he didn’t sleep with Beatrice-Rose, right?” she asked. “She’s fast-food sex. That’s what she is.”

I burst out laughing. One of the things I loved about Kara was that she understood me, but she didn’t mollycoddle.

“Fine,” Kara continued. “But when you come back, you better make me some pancakes,” she said, winking.

She knew pancakes was a code word between me and Caleb. I bared my teeth at her before I opened the door. “Can you see the fuck you in my smile?”

“Always. You love me anyway. See you later, bitch.” She blew me a kiss. “Oh, and I love you too.”

I really wanted to stay in with her, but if I did, I would just think about Caleb. And I was bone-tired of thinking about him. Having a broken heart was a full-time job.

* * *

With my head down, I walked through the hallways to my locker. I was afraid I would see him, but I knew his usual hangouts. I just needed to avoid those places.

I felt my skin prickle, and I looked up. I froze, my heart jumping into my throat.

It was Caleb. He was a few feet away, walking toward me with his entourage. He was wearing a black college sweatshirt with the hoodie up, his sleeves rolled up his forearms, and cargo pants and black boots. He looked…exhausted but so handsome.

It hurt to look at him.

I darted inside the washroom before he saw me. Running into one of the stalls, I locked it and sat on the toilet cover, wrapping my arms around myself.

This is pathetic, I thought sourly, but I didn’t leave.

So what if he saw me? I would have to face him sooner or later. I couldn’t hide from him forever. But I couldn’t see him…not right now. Not even tomorrow, or next week. Or next month.

I think I’m ready to move to Japan now, or Indonesia, maybe. I hear it’s a very beautiful country.

I stiffened when I heard the bathroom door open.


What the hell?

“I know you’re in there. Please. I just want to talk.”

I don’t. I really don’t.

I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself. It was impossible. Adrenaline had already flooded my system.

When I opened the door, Beatrice-Rose was waiting for me.

The sight of her made me angry, with her innocent-looking eyes and her beautiful face. Her face was her weapon, I realized. She used it to dupe people into thinking she was harmless, when in truth she was as cunning as a snake.

“Hi.” She spoke softly, biting her lip. She looked…guilty.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

“I just want to apologize for last night. I’m so sorry,” she pleaded, looking contrite. “It was my fault. Caleb had nothing to do with it. The kiss…last night…wasn’t his fault. It was mine.”

The kiss.