“I’m just saying, Cal. What do you really know about her?”

Now I was getting angry. “Don’t be ridiculous.” I stood up, ready to leave. “I don’t want to hear about this anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” she apologized, sitting up on the bed. She grabbed my arm. “You know how protective of you I can get… Cal, don’t be upset. I don’t think I can take more tonight.”

My anger deflated. I felt like a douche, adding to her problems. I blew out a breath and sat back down.

“Can you lie down beside me?” she asked quietly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked like a defenseless kitten.

“I can’t do that anymore.”

She frowned. “Why not?”

I raised my eyebrows.

“You didn’t have a problem with it before. It’s not like we’re going to have sex. We grew up together. We’re best friends. I just need you. Like old times.”

“I told you this time it’s different.”

She fell silent, lowering her head and clutching the pendant I had given to her so long ago. I couldn’t believe she still had it. “She’s taking you away from me.”

“Don’t be dramatic.”

“Just for a few minutes,” she begged. “Until I fall asleep. You can leave once I do.”

I hesitated. It didn’t feel right.

“You know it’ll help me fall asleep, Cal. I don’t want to take more pills to help me sleep. Please.”

She was taking sleeping pills again? Or did she mean antidepressants? She took them before, a long time ago.

“Cal, I want to stop thinking about my dad tonight. He can’t even remember me anymore. You don’t know what it feels like. It hurts so much.”

I sighed. “All right. But just for a few minutes. Then I have to go.”

She scooted back to make room and patted the spot beside her, smiling innocently.

I stretched out beside her, and it immediately felt wrong. But I didn’t want her to take any more pills or worry about her dad. It seemed so inconsequential to give her this simple thing. Besides, we both knew she’d be out like a light in a few minutes once I lay down beside her. The faster she fell asleep, the faster I could get back to Red. Beatrice-Rose snuggled closer to me, her arms wrapped around my torso, resting her head on my chest.

I’d never had a problem with this before. Why did it feel wrong this time?

I needed to call Red again, but I didn’t want to get up right away and disturb Beatrice-Rose. I listened to her breathing, waiting for her to fall asleep. Suddenly my eyes felt heavy, my body exhausted. I hadn’t slept properly since the party at Justin’s house, and this bed felt really comfortable…

I need to call Red was my last thought before I fell asleep.

* * *

Red was so soft, like silk in my hands. Her kisses drugged me, made me feel high, made me crave more. I kissed her back as hard as she was kissing me. I moaned, wanting more of her touch. But something was not right. She tasted different.

Then she reached for my jeans…


Red never called me Cal. My eyes snapped open.

“What the fuck!”

Beatrice-Rose was on top of me. I pushed her away and jumped out of bed. My eyes widened in horror as I realized she didn’t have her shirt on. What the fuck. I was dreaming of Red and…