At last, we were at his front door. Stupid shit couldn’t even think properly.

Probably should’ve asked the concierge to let us in, I realized.

Caleb had a sweet place here, the rich bastard. There were only him and another rich fucker living on this floor. The hallway was carpeted, with dark-green walls displaying abstract paintings that screamed money. There were these big-ass crystal light fixtures on the ceiling… What did you call those again? Chandeliers. Yeah, that was it. Show-offs.

I heard Caleb’s grandfather had left a huge chunk of cash to Caleb when he died. That was probably how he could afford this huge place. Wish I had a rich, dead old gramps too who’d leave me everything.

It was fucking unfair.

“What’s your code, dude?”

He mumbled again, but I couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

I stared at him, debating whether to push him off me. Maybe he’d hit his head against the wall and break his neck. Maybe he’d die. I could always tell the police he was so drunk that—

The door was pulled open, and a hot girl stood on the other side, looking shocked.

“Caleb!” she exclaimed.

“What the fuck?” I asked.

I grunted when Caleb’s full weight fell on me. The fucker had passed out. She looked at him with concern. I knew this girl.

“You’re the girl from the club that night.” I eyed her from the top of her hair to her cheap hoodie and yoga pants. She looked very uncomfortable but really hot. The kind of ass I preferred, unlike those boring blonds that Caleb seemed to like. Which brought me to What the fuck was she doing here?

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I demanded.

Caleb never let a girl stay at his place. From what I knew, he usually booted them out after sex.

“Why don’t you mind your own fucking business?” She glared at me and then grabbed Caleb’s other arm as we muscled him inside and to his bedroom.

She seemed to know the way to his bedroom. Who the hell was she?

Red. Caleb was talking about Red. It was probably a girl, if not a dog, but this chick didn’t have red hair.

“I’m going to call the police if you don’t tell me what the hell you’re doing in Caleb’s apartment,” I threatened.

“Go ahead. You’ll only look like an idiot.”

We dumped Caleb on the bed. He moaned and turned on his side. “Red,” he mumbled.

I turned to her and narrowed my eyes. “Will I?” I stepped closer than was normally polite.

She backed away, panic on her face. I saw her eyes dart around the room and fix on the lamp. I smirked. Was she going to hit me with it?

What a hellcat. She’d be really great in bed, I bet. Once Caleb was done with her, I’d come to the rescue. I would enjoy this one more than the others.

“Get away from me, asshole,” she spat out, her dark eyes filling with fire.

Feisty. I liked them aggressive.

I smirked. “He’s never had girls stay over at his place before.” I leaned back against the bedpost, crossed my arms over my chest so she’d notice my big arms—if she hadn’t already—and took a good long look at his crib.

It was fucking amazing, with a king-size bed covered in white sheets and gray pillows. In front of his bed was a giant window that showed the entire city. Prime view. Only the best for dear Caleb.

He even had a small living room in here with a sleek flat-screen TV and the latest Xbox model. I thought about my beat-up Xbox 360 and my tiny TV that wasn’t even a flat screen, and it made me so fucking angry that Caleb had all these sleek new toys he probably didn’t even have time to use, while I had to work my ass off for everything I got.

There was a door that I knew led to a big-ass bathroom and another door that led to his walk-in closet, where I really wanted to go.