Her eyes cleared. She understood. I wanted to kiss her right there, but I didn’t trust myself. I had to leave.

I got dressed quickly and texted Cameron that I’d pick him up to go to Justin’s party. I stopped when I passed the kitchen and spotted Red seated on one of the barstools, still wrapped in my robe. I loved seeing my clothes on her.

She was gazing out the window, her palms cupping her face. My hands fisted to keep from touching her. I must have made a sound because her head turned toward me.

Her expression was uncertain and a little sad. Her eyes were pleading me not to go. I really didn’t want to leave…but I craved her so much that it was better for me to go. I needed to clear my head.

“Are you feeling better?” I asked. When she looked at me in confusion, I added, “You had a nightmare last night. Want to talk about it?”

She shook her head. “I’m okay. I don’t even remember it.” When she moved on her seat, the robe opened, exposing a shapely leg.

Damn. I have to get the hell out of here.

“Will you be coming home tonight?” she asked quietly. So quietly that I barely heard her.


She nodded. “Caleb…”

Jiggling my car keys in my pocket, I waited for her to finish what she was going to say. She just stared at me, biting her lip.

I wanted to bite her lip.

Instead, I gritted my teeth, nodded, and left.

I drove to Cameron’s house to pick him up and then headed to Justin’s party. It was at his parents’ cabin just a few minutes outside the city. His closest neighbors were miles away so he had the music cranked up high, obviously not worried about noise complaints.

Cameron and I headed to the basement, where it was considerably less noisy and less crowded. That’s where we found Amos sitting by himself, busily texting on his phone.

“Hey, bro, ’sup?” I asked, giving him a fist bump.

Amos’s clenched fist spread wide, fingers wiggling as I moved away.

I groaned and shook my head. “Bro, you do not explode the fist bump. How many times will I tell you this? It’s a sacred rule.”

He smirked in response and did the same to Cameron, this time with both hands.

“Asshole,” I quipped.

He grinned. “Cocksucker.”

“So where is everyone?” Cameron asked.

Amos swatted his bangs away from his eyes and leaned back on the couch. “Probably setting up a big bonfire out back. Justin’s getting laid or pretending he’s passed out on the floor again so he can peep up girls’ skirts. You know, the usual.”

Justin should really stop doing that.

I took the seat next to Amos, grabbed the two beers he handed me, and passed one to Cameron.

Amos gestured with his beer. “Haven’t seen you pussies lately. You been busy getting your eyebrows plucked or what?”

I laughed and answered, “Yup. Had my legs waxed.”

“Had his nails done too,” Cameron added, popping open his beer.

“Aw.” Amos winked. “You should have worn a dress tonight to show them off, bro.”

“I will once you ask me out on a date.”