Page 79 of Hold On to Me

“How long will you be gone this time?”

John’s head popped up. “It’s hard to give an exact timeline for you. I have Marine Combat Training for the next month in South Carolina, and then after that I’ll start aviation training for two months. Once I’m finished, I just don’t know.”

“Well let’s see how the next month goes then.”

“So that’s how it’s going to be?” he asked with a bite.

“Yes, it is. I can’t afford to open up to you if you won’t be here. I have no one to fall back on.”

Standing up, he crossed the distance to Alyssa. “And I can’t afford for you to be abused, pregnant or not. Why, Alyssa, why can’t you open up to me? You always did before when we were friends.”

“Things have changed, Johnny. I’m sorry.”

“Alyssa,” he pleaded gently, looking into her sullen blue eyes. Cupping her face, he said, “If he’s hurting you, please tell me. I’ll get you help immediately. You don’t have to live in that kind of environment.”

A sad, half-smile broke across her face. “If only it were that easy …” Alyssa’s heart ached knowing his words held truth. It wasn’t easy in the least.

John squared his shoulders back. Dropping his hands, he said, “You don’t have to say it for me to know the answer. I know you didn’t fall.” She couldn’t deny it, her miserable eyes said it all. “Does he even know you’re here?”

“No,” rolled off her lips.

“Can I see you tomorrow?”

She gulped. “I don’t know, Johnny. It’s hard for me to get away …”

“Can you try?”

She nodded. “I’ll try, just don’t call me. I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know. Okay?”

“Okay. I’ll take it.”

Tension swirled around them, yearning permeated the air. So many words were about to go unsaid, and there was nothing they could do about it.

“Let me drive you back home. I’ll stop a few blocks away so no one will be able to say anything. There’s no way I’m letting you walk in this heat.”

Alyssa nodded, agreeing with Johnny. The last thing she wanted to do was walk in the scorching heat anyway.

Not thinking about his actions, John leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “I hate that you left me,” she murmured.

Slamming the driver’s side door shut, John asked. “So, how long does it take to find out the DNA?”

Alyssa swallowed the knot that had been forming in the back of her throat. “There are a few tests that can be performed now, but they’re invasive. Or we wait until the baby is born.”

“What do you mean invasive? Like it could hurt you and the baby?” He asked with genuine care. The last thing he wanted to do was harm her and her unborn baby.

“Yes. The chance of a miscarriage is high, so it’s not usually recommended depending on the circumstances. I think there’s a newer test out, but I’m not positive. I’d have to ask the next time I go in.”

John muttered under his breath. “I don’t want to take any chances with you or the baby. Maybe we should wait. Does Ben have to know about the tests?”

“I don’t think so … I honestly don’t know, Johnny.” This whole conversation was giving Alyssa hives. If she could have a DNA test performed without Ben knowing, she would. “Maybe I can find a clinic outside of South Fork?”

John’s eyes perked up. “I can ask Livy to see if she knows of any. She’s in Savannah. This isn’t her field of medicine, but it can’t hurt to ask.”

“Livy?” Alyssa was suddenly jealous of the woman’s name on John’s lips even though she had no right to be.

“Livy is Luke’s girlfriend. Do you remember the night at Rum—” he stopped himself before he could finish. “Of course you do. I’m, ah, sorry … Anyway, the woman I kissed in front of you? She’s actually my brother’s girlfriend.”

Alyssa’s face scrunched up. “You kissed your brother’s girlfriend?” she shrieked.