Page 74 of Hold On to Me

John ran a hand over his head and smiled. “Had to shave it. This is much easier to take care of anyway. Enough about me, what’s going on with you?”

Ford shrugged. “Nothing. Same old … School and working on my family’s farm. I’m going to leave when the semester is over and head to Tennessee. We have a farm up there that needs tending to pretty badly.”

“No way. So in the new year?”

“I mean, it’s not the same here … you know?” Ford looked around. “You’re gone now too, not that I need you to hold my hand or shit,” he laughed. “But it’s just strange. My folks need the help, so why the hell not? They have tons of acres up there. Sounds like my kind of thing.”

John’s throat tightened. “Yeah.” John didn’t know that by him leaving would affect Ford as it had.

“Maybe I’ll pick up some pretty cowgirl who likes to get down and dirty in a barn. And then at the end of the day she’ll cook me a fat burger and bring me an ice cold beer,” he joked.

John shook his head, laughing. “Why don’t you cook her dinner?”

“Can I eat it off of her?”

“You’re going to eat a greasy burger off of her?”

Ford chuckled. “Maybe not. Maybe I’ll have her for desert.”

“Oh, Jesus. So …” he eased into the topic. “I’m sure you heard about Alyssa.”

“I’ve been waiting for you to bring that up. What the fuck is going on with that shit?” John shook his head in disbelief and told Ford everything Alyssa had told him.

Ford whistled. “Sure you don’t want a beer?”

“I’m good.” He was trying not to drink. If anything he’d force himself to go for another run.

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know … I just don’t know. She’s in a tough place right n

ow. I want to be there for her and help, but how can I when she’s with that scum?”

“Ben Jones,” Ford spat. “Of all guys? I’ve never liked him.”

“I’ve been asking myself the same question, man. Something is going on and I’m determined to find out.”

“You know, come to think of it, I’ve barely seen her since you left …” Ford trailed off.

“Like I said, something isn’t right. I can feel it in my gut.”

Alyssa was a bundle of nerves when she went to bed the night before. She thought if she went to sleep early, that it would help ease the tension in her shoulders and the emotions running through her.

Instead it only backfired on her.

She tossed and turned all night long. She couldn’t sleep with so much on her mind. Her baby. Ben. John.

Not to mention, Ben’s rapid mood swings.

It was all so stressful for her. Some days the stress was so high her stomach ached with anxiety and tightness. She didn’t know what mood he was going to be in when he walked through the door each day after work. Some days he’d come in smiling, hugging on her and kissing her neck. Other days he would come in with a scowl on his face, hating everyone around him, including her. That’s when Alyssa knew to keep her mouth shut and do whatever Ben demanded. The last thing she wanted to do was piss him off. Her tummy was growing so she could only fight off so much. She had to be careful.

Last night when he walked through the door her heart beat wildly. There was no way he’d find out she saw John, but she didn’t want to take the chance either. She’d managed to cook dinner and have it plated just in the nick of time. She played nice and sweet, waited on him hand and foot and gave him what he wanted. If he was happy, then all was good in the world.

Turning on to her right side into a fetal position, Alyssa readjusted her pillow and pulled the blanket to her chest. Glancing at the clock, it was a little after six in the morning.

Ben turned over, his warm body held her tightly to him as he nestled behind her, his nose burrowing in her hair. This was the side of him that she liked. Soft. Sweet. Gentle.

“Mornin’ honey,” he said groggily, nudging her with his obvious erection.