Page 38 of Hold On to Me

Naturally, Jace and Ford laughed. “Go on, laugh it up, boys,” Alyssa said, gripping the thick, braided rope in her hands, then she flipped them all off.

John stepped back and she eyed the water, trying to decide where to land. The drop off point scared her. It shouldn’t considering she wouldn’t hit it, but it did.

Taking a deep breath, Alyssa jumped, grasping the rope as high as she could and swung out and over the river, too scared to let go.

“Oh my God! Catch me,” she screamed, swinging over the water. She ended up swinging back to the boys, too scared to let go then too, and they all joined in and pushed her back to the water.

“I’m going to kill all of you,” she yelled, releasing the rope and plugging her nose before she hit the water.

The water was ice cold and she came up quickly looking for land. She couldn’t imagine any dirt washed away at the rate she rose. Each guy laughed nearby and she flipped them off, again.

“I’m done with you assholes,” she exclaimed. John helped her out and gave her his towel.

“What a mouth she has,” Ford laughed.

“Let me show you how it’s done, city girl,” Jace said.

“It’s all yours,” she encouraged.

Alyssa watched Jace take hold of the rope, gripping it and tugging it in his hands. He winked, took a deep breath and hopped on. After the long swoop over the water, he let go and flipped backwards and heard a splintering noise and crack before he landed in the water.

“Did ya’ll hear that?” he asked, back on the grass. Jace shook his head trying to rid some of the water.

Each one shook their heads no. Jace nodded and then hopped back on, this time sweeping out high over the water when he heard the crack again. Before he could let go, the branch splintered and broke, free falling from the sky. Jace flew into the water, still holding the rope as the branch followed. He hit the water on his back, a giant splash echoing over the river.

John, Alyssa, and Ford trekked down the dirt to the shore break to retrieve Jace. He came out unscathed, grinning like a fool.

“While that was fun as hell, you suck at tree swings, Johnny boy. You’re cut off,” he sniffled, and headed for a clean towel.

The four of them, including Jace, laughed hard together. Something cracked open inside her chest, and Alyssa realized how at home she felt for the first time in years. She absorbed everything around her and smiled. She was truly at ease for once and loving life.

“I have no idea why that would’ve happened, but Ford got it on camera. Let’s go watch it.”

Once the sun disappeared, John was on his way to pick up his girl. He pulled into Alyssa’s empty driveway and she ran outside. She opened his truck door and slid in close to him with a huge smile on her face.

“Someone’s excited to see me.”

Alyssa rolled her eyes, a smirk on her face. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. I’m just excited school is over and summer is here.” When he didn’t respond, she followed his gaze.

“What?” she looked down at her outfit.

His mouth hung open. “I’m in shock right now. Where did you get a camo shirt from? I know that’s not something you had in your closet.”

Alyssa playfully smacked his arm and sat back. “I ordered it a few weeks ago,” she said, staring straight ahead trying to suppress a smile.

John’s mouth turned into one of the sexiest grins she’d ever seen. A panty melting, impish grin while his eyes lit up. Her stomach turned over and her cheeks flushed. “You bought that for me, didn’t you?”


“Admit it. You bought that shirt to wear for me!” he exclaimed.

“I bought it to fit into your little town, that’s why.”

John continued smiling, not saying a word for a moment. “You are such a liar!”

“Whatever,” she pushed her lips together. “Let’s go.” She may have purchased the shirt with John in mind, but no way was she admitting to that.

“I wouldn’t think white shorts went with camo, but you’re lookin’ pretty good right about now. Actually, I don’t think any of the chicks wear white with camo,” he said, putting his truck into gear.