Page 36 of Hold On to Me

She smiled sweetly. “You know how true love is something that takes times to develop?” John nodded. “No one is ever really prepared for love, but it secretly cultivates around you and pulls you in when you least expect it and latches on. It could be something as simple as a conversation or a thoughtful act that begins the growth. The music is planting seeds the way love begins to blossom, taking root inside and growing strong each day,” she says matter of fact. “Eventually it becomes part of you and you never want it to go away.”

John paused. “I’m not really sure what to say to that?”

“I’m not sure what I would say either if someone had said that to me.” Her laugh was contagious, and John found himself laughing too.

“That was a pretty deep analogy. You’re such a girl.”

Pulling into her driveway, he switched off his headlights. She gathered her things and turned toward John.

“I had a really good time tonight. In fact, I needed a day like today. Thank you for asking me, Johnny.”

John stepped out of his truck. He walked around to the passenger side and opened Alyssa’s door. Darkness surrounded them, the moon shining brightly above. Walking up the steps and stopping in front of her door, he turned toward her and cupped her face. Their eyes locked. Ever so carefully, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t push or prod. He just took what she was willing to give.

For John, it was enough for now, but he wanted more.

As May rolled around, it marked the end of another school year. John and his friends loved this time of year simply for the feeling it brought—anticipation and new memories. Endless star-filled nights and long summer days were what they looked forward to and thrived on.

“I heard there’s a bonfire tomorrow night, out past Whiskey River in that big field near the woods, to celebrate the end of another school year. You guys want to hit it up?” John yelled down to his friends as he climbed down a tree.

“And you found that out just now up there in that tree?” Jace asked sarcastically.

Ford perked up. “Oh yeah? Who’s putting it on?”

“Not sure. But who cares? It’s a party,” he said, reaching the ground. Looking at Alyssa he asked, “Want to come with us?”

Alyssa shrugged. “I have to work tomorrow, but maybe after if it’s not too late.”

Another day spent with his friends swimming in the river under the hot Georgia sun. They broke midway and ate lunch, which they brought. Ford busted out his dirt bike at one point and they watched him take a tumble or two … or three and laughed. They even managed to hook up a new river swing.

This was his life, and he loved every minute of it. Summer was always spent with his closest friends since he was a kid. It was just how he was raised and couldn’t imagine living any other way.

Alyssa learned that mud was inevitable, just like he said it was. She was reluctant, but if she hung with him and his buddies, it was bound to happen eventually.

After all, they liked to get a little dirty and wild. Every now and then they had to raise a little hell.

John glanced at Alyssa. She was wearing small black shorts and a black tank top. Her legs went on for days and her hair was tied into a ponytail. Just about every inch of her was covered in dirt and mud. He laughed at her repulsed filled expression.

“What’s so funny?” she asked.

“You should see the look on your face right now.”

“No thanks. I think I’ll pass. This mud better be giving me the facial of a lifetime, that’s all I gotta say.”

“It’s probably clogging your pores,” Jace said with a straight face. She was going to throat punch him soon.

Ford nodded in agreement.

“We can always try the new rope swing out and you can rinse in the river.”

Alyssa groaned. That wasn’t what she had in mind.

“It’s your best bet if that shit bothers you,” Ford jumped in.

Alyssa looked at John. “Are you sure you secured it properly? It’s not going to untie when I climb on?”

“I’m positive. That sucker isn’t going anywhere.”

“And that water is deep enough for me to jump into?”