Page 34 of Hold On to Me

With his left hand, John held Alyssa’s hip. His searing touch went right through her, heating her whole body. He placed his right arm under hers and held her palm with his thumb as they began swinging.

“Eyes on the bottom part of the board,” he whispered near her ear. “Don’t aim for the hole or else you won’t make it. Keep swinging like this … Slow and steady wins the race …”

Alyssa’s breathing grew heavier. How was she supposed to make it now with him invading her personal space like this?

“Just like that,” he whispered, rubbing her back with his thumb. She felt each caress, each inch his finger touched. “On the count of three, let it go. One … two … three.”

As if it played in slow motion, Alyssa held her breath as she watched the sack soar through the air. It landed on the tip of the board before falling into the grass.

“Oh man! So close!” she yelled excitedly. She high fived John and waited for Ford to go. When it was John’s turn, he had Alyssa stand in front of him and gave her his turn.

“Let’s try it again,” he said. Only this time he was even closer. His chest was firmly pressed to her back, his stance wide as he helped her, both hands in the same spot. Heat crackled all around them, a hunger for more. She could feel it, and it wasn’t helping her game.

But the question was, did John feel it too or was it one sided? He hasn’t so much as mentioned what had happened earlier. Sure, he was flirty, but it wasn’t the response she was expecting.

The four of them played cornhole for the next thirty minutes and each time John helped her. The game ended when the first team scored twenty-one, which wasn’t as easy as it sounded. A crowd drew close waiting to play next while others either sat on tailgates or conversed by the fire.

At this point, her body was fired up and ready. A blend of desire and alcohol streamed through her blood at high speed. John’s touch, the warmth of his body on hers, his southern drawl, it all got to her. Watching him play as he nursed a beer was hot as hell … and also not what she needed.

Once the game ended, which they lost thanks to her and her terrible aim, Alyssa needed air. She stayed back and sat on John’s tailgate, allowing her body to unwind. She wasn’t expecting to react to John the way she did, but she had and now she was confused at what she wanted. They were friends, and a friendship with John wasn’t something she wanted to mess up.

Alyssa went to grab another beer and walk back to the truck. Icy water dripped down the navy blue aluminum can and she shook off her hand.

“I was wondering where you went off too,” John said, leaning against his tailgate.

“Grabbed another beer,” she responded, wobbling in her wedges. Maybe it wasn’t such a great idea to wear them after all.

“You should just take them off before you break your ankle.”

Alyssa’s face scrunched up and she paused in front of him. “And go barefoot?”

“Yeah …” he said it as if it was obvious.

“That’s …”

“Gross?” he finished for her.

She smiled. “I was going to say gross, but it sounds heavenly to be honest.” Alyssa handed John her beer and then bent down to remove her wedges. She was nearly six inches shorter when she stood.

“Ahhh …” she sighed, closing her eyes in bliss. Going barefoot was not something she was used to, but right now it felt amazing. The chilly grass cooled her tingling feet. She threw her shoes to the side and then reached for her beer. Alyssa went to stand next to John, but he hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her to his front. He widened his legs and she ended up leaning against him. His arm wrapped possessively across her stomach where he held her close like they were a true couple.

“What was that stunt you pulled with Jace,” he asked, staring straight ahead at the fire.

Hmmm … Maybe Jace was right? “What stunt?”

A sarcastic laugh rolled off his lips. “You’re really gonna go there?”

“I could ask the same of you. You flirted with Sarah most of the night, so I hung around with Jace. What was I to do?”

“Not most of the night. It was more like thirty minutes, and you didn’t have to go and get all cozy with him.”

“We were hardly cozy. More like just two friends hanging out.”

“Friends don’t touch like that.”

She laughed. “Really? We’re friends and you touch me way more.”

“That’s different, Alyssa. Jace is my best friend, and he should know better than to put his hands on you.”