Page 9 of Hold On to Me

“It’s only been a few weeks of school and I’m already taking rides from guys I hardly know. That doesn’t look good,” she finished with a flirty smile. “Thanks again, Johnny.”

A weird sensation rolled through John, one he had never felt before. He liked the sound of Johnny rolling off her lips. He wanted to hear it again and again and again. And on top of that, he wanted to know everything he could about Alyssa Winters and why she was so reluctant to make friends.

“Anytime,” he winked.

Alyssa climbed out of John’s truck and sprinted to her front door. Dropping her sandals on the porch, she stomped her feet trying to rid the dirt caked on her skin.

Stepping into her new home, she tiptoed to the bathroom trying to leave as little as a trail as possible.

While John had been blatantly flirting with her since the moment they met, she thought it was adorable and sweet and completely friendly. He was easy going and smooth, and full of that southern charm she could quickly get used to. She couldn’t explain it, but deep inside she felt like he was one of the good guys. She didn’t want to get ahead of herself, but she could see him being a friend and that scared her. Friends weren’t hard to come by for her, she just chose to keep them at a distance since she moved frequently. She kept things casual and emotionless and learned not to get attached easily. It was better that way.

Slamming her textbook shut, Alyssa’s head popped up at the sound of the door closing. Her mother walked in wearing dull blue scrubs looking tired and worn out. The bags under her eyes had gotten more prominent, and her dirty blonde hair was a mess. She’d been picking up as many shifts as she could at the local hospital in an effort to get ahead. Quite the change from the California look she normally sported.

“Hey Mom.” She perked up. “What are you doing here?”

Lauren smiled. “Hey, sweetie.”

Alyssa had been raised single handedly by her mother for as long as she could remember. Her father had been a sporadic figure in her life, and Alyssa considered him to be an acquaintance more than anything. He had never stayed around long enough to get to know her. She knew her mother had a soft spot for him and always did as he asked, even when she claimed she’d moved on.

Deep down, she didn’t think her mother ever truly moved on from her father. First loves and all that.

“I feel like I hardly get to see you anymore,” Lauren said apologetically.

“Our schedules conflict with each other’s.”

“Unfortunately they do. So tell me, how’s school going? Make any new friends yet?”

Alyssa puckered her lips. Why make friends if they were going to leave again? “Kind of … There were a couple of guys I met when we first moved here and I have a few classes with one of them. They’re real friendly and nice, the total opposite from home. For some reason, the car stalled today and he insisted on giving me a ride home. He even offered to drive me to school on the days we have classes together.”

“But the car’s out front?” she questioned.

“What? It is?” Alyssa jumped up and raced to the window. She brushed the curtains aside. How was it sitting in her driveway when she hadn’t even gone back with John to get it yet? Better yet, how had he gotten the keys? Alyssa quickly grabbed her phone to shoot John a text only to realize she didn’t have his number. She looked up again, this time noticing a white piece of paper on the windshield. Slipping on her sandals, she ran to the car to retrieve the note.

You left your keys on the seat. Went back and jumped your mom’s car with Ford. I knocked to let you know, but you didn’t answer. Pretty sure you just need a

new battery.


Alyssa smiled. Well, that was incredibly sweet and thoughtful of him and Ford. She’d have to thank him when she saw him next. She also needed to remember to attach the car keys to her regular set of keys. Her and her mother had one set to share, and she couldn’t afford to lose them.

“Sounds like my friends went back and jumped it for us. He says we may just need a new battery. Maybe I left a light on or the door cracked a little …” she trailed off. “Speaking of rides, how did you get home?” Alyssa asked with a tilt of her head.

“My boss was kind enough to let me go early, so my coworker dropped me off on her way home.” Lauren poured a glass of water and dropped a few ice cubes into her glass.

“So, does he have a name?”

“His name is Johnny … John … His name is John.”

Lauren nodded. “Well, tell John thank you for me.” She placed her glass on the table. “Hungry for dinner? I’m starving.”

“I can cook up some pasta if you want.”

Her mother thought for a moment. “How about we go out for dinner instead? I’m too tired to cook, and I don’t want you to cook either.”

“Mom, this town is super small. Where are we going to go?”

She chuckled. “It is small, isn’t it? Probably the smallest we’ve been in yet.” The sadness in her mom’s eyes when she looked away caused an ache in Alyssa’s heart. She didn’t want her mom to feel bad. “How about we take a ride to the next town over and grab something there?”