Page 51 of Hold On to Me

“You just drank a shitload of beer with me,” Ford reminded him. “You’re not going anywhere yet.”

“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do. I need to go see Jace.”

“Like hell you are right now.” Ford pushed at his shoulder trying to get John’s attention. “Just wait a few hours, then go.”

“I can’t. I need to go now.” Feeling his empty pockets, he muttered under his breath. “Where the fuck are my keys?”

“Do you want to end up like Jace, you stupid asshole?” Ford yelled in his face. “Just wait a bit, then we’ll go.”

John’s head snapped up, his eyes blazing with fire. “Back off. Now!”

Ford stepped in John’s path. “Or what?”

“Or I’ll force you out of my way. I’m in no mood right now.”

“You think I’m not feeling it too, John? It’s killing me right now knowing my best friend is holed up in a hospital bed struggling for his life. It’s not just about you right now.”

“You didn’t see it like I did,” John spewed. “You didn’t watch his truck wrap around a tree. You didn’t pull Jace’s body from the car. You didn’t see all the machines monitoring every breath he takes! I did. I saw it all. It’s seared into my fucking brain.”

Lifting up the cooler, John found his keys. Snatching them up, he said, “Thank fuck.” Before he could take another step, Ford yanked the keys from his hands. Fire sped through his veins, heat rising to his face. John saw red. His body shut down. He had one thought in his mind, and Ford sure as hell wasn’t going to stop him from doing it. Friend or not.

“Give them back,” he growled.


“Ford …” John warned.


John’s heartbeat pounded in his ears. He felt like the world around him was bouncing off of his head as he lowered his eyelids and stared at Ford.

John turned his back to Ford. He took two steps then spun around and swung his fist at him, just nicking his face which only infuriated John even more. The alcohol stimulated his anger. John swung again and this time he missed. He had too much to drink and couldn’t get his footing right. Ford saw an opening and shoved John to the ground, pressing a knee to his back and pushing the side of his face down into the dirt.

“Oh my God! What are you doing?” Alyssa yelled, running up.

“Get away Alyssa. John is fucked up right now.”

“Not too fucked up to get a swing on you.”

Alyssa bent down on her knees and leaned over. “Johnny, are you okay?” she asked, brushing his hair away from his face. “Ford!” she shoved him. “Get off of him, now!”

Ford struggled to keep John down. “Only if he promises not to swing at me again.”

“Johnny, please don’t swing at him.” She begged, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

“Fine.” He gritted through his teeth. “But tell him to give me my damn keys back.”

Alyssa looked at Ford and he answered the questionable look in her eyes. “He had a shit ton of beer and wanted to drive. I said no and took his keys.”

“Oh, Johnny …” her heart ached for him.

When Ford eased off of him, John quickly stood up brushing the dirt from his clothes. Alyssa placed her hand on his arm, but John shrugged it off. She swallowed and looked at him.

“Go home, Alyssa.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been trying to call you all morning. Did you get my messages?”

“I did.”