Page 2 of Hold On to Me

Alyssa scoffed. “First of all, my name is Alyssa.”

“Sugar Plum?”


“Pretty girl?”

“Wow, I’m in the presence of a comedian. No, I have not ridden one of those things.”

Chuckling, John took over. “Well, this right here is called a four wheeler, not a thing, but I’m assuming you already knew that. Wanna take a quick ride with me and I’ll show you how it’s done?”

She totally wanted to, it honestly looked like fun.

“Maybe another time. You’re filthy dirty and covered in mud, not really my thing. No offense, or anything.”

John clutched his chest. “Oh, I think she just insulted me,” he joked, looking at Jace. “You have a lot to learn. You live in the South now. We get dirty here and so will you.”

“Doubtful, considering I wasn’t raised to play in the mud. Pigs play in the mud and I’m not an animal,” she spat back.

The two friends looked at each other and then burst into laughter. “We weren’t raised to play in the mud, sweetheart. It just sort of happens.”

Curious, Alyssa shifted on her feet. “How does it just happen?”

Jace spoke up this time. “When we go muddin’, ride four wheelers, or party down by the river. Mud just happens. You’ll see.”

“Mud just happens?” she stated, dumbfounded. Now she’s heard it all.

“Mud happens,” John repeated with a smirk. He tried to contain his laughter, but Jace was giving Alyssa a hard time and it was funny as hell.

“That doesn’t make any sense,” she said with her perfectly straight nose in the air. “Mud won’t happen to me.”

“Mark my words,” Jace said. “Mud will happen to you. It’s inevitable.”

Was she really standing there having a conversation about mud? Jesus Christ.

“Is that how people down here talk? Mud happens? I’ve never heard of such a thing. Listen to yourself, you sound completely foolish.”

“Mud … happens …” He looked Alyssa straight in the eyes and said, “Sounds normal to me. Say it with me.” John was having fun teasing the new girl.

“I’ll pass.”

“Well, we need to get goin’. I guess we’ll see ya around town,” he drawled.

His green eyes … she could stare at them for hours. They were hypnotizing, and for some reason she had a feeling he knew it since they hadn’t broken each other’s gaze. “See you around.”

Cranking the gas, the engine roared back to life. John clutched t

he gear with his barefoot and glanced over his shoulder at Alyssa. She was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. He couldn’t think of any other words to describe her. Alyssa was gorgeous from head to toe.

“Later, sugar.”

“Bye, princess,” Jace threw in.

A smile tugged at her mouth. “Later.”

Alyssa watched as John and Jace took off, a puff of dirt flying up into the air. When they were half way down the street, she turned around and walked back to her house.

Looks like she just got a dose of some of that southern charm she’s heard of and she was okay with it, especially coming from John.