Page 11 of Hold On to Me

She handed it to him and he pushed a few buttons, programming his number. “There you go. Anytime you need a ride, I’m your guy.”

A small dimple appeared at the corner of John’s mouth as he smirked. Alyssa’s chest tightened. He looked damn cute with that dimple.

“Thank you,” she said quietly, and slipped her phone into her bag then climbed out of the truck.

Together they walked through the maze of cars in the parking lot in silence. The discontent written on her face gave John the urge to wrap his arm around her shoulders and bring her in close and erase that look. For some odd reason, he didn’t like seeing her sad.

Passing rows of cars and trucks, Alyssa spotted Ben standing off to the left leaning against his truck. He was dressed all in black, smoking a cigarette. She’d seen him around but they hadn’t spoken much yet. A high here, a high there. The intensity of his gaze made her feel like he could see right through her each time they had locked eyes, as if he could read her thoughts and knew her deepest secrets. He took a puff of his cigarette and blew it out, a diminutive smirk forming on his lips that caused a rapture of feelings to simmer inside of her.

“That’s Ben,” John said, breaking her stare.


“The one you’re staring at,” he said, glaring at Ben with disgust. “I wouldn’t suggest making friends with him.”

“I’ve actually already met him. We have a class together.”

“He’s bad news … heard some stories about how he likes to get rough—and not just with guys either. A couple of years back, rumors were circulating that he forced himself on a girl, not sure if it’s true though because there were no charges pressed or anything. I’m surprised he’s even enrolled in college to be honest. I figured when he dropped out of high school that he would go straight to working, guess not.”


??You know him?” she asked.

“Yeah, he actually lives near us.”

She puckered her lips, thinking about what John just said. Had Ben been rough with another girl, wouldn’t she have come forward and made everyone aware?

Alyssa glanced one last time at Ben, curious about him. He dipped his head slightly, acknowledging her.

Once they reached the square, Ford and Jace were there. Jace spotted both of them and nodded his head saying hi, his eyes landing on Alyssa.

“So you two rode together?”

John spoke up before Alyssa could say anything. “Well, I was already driving and happened to see her walking, so I made her get in. She can be a little hardheaded at times,” John nudged her.

“I don’t know what he’s talking about,” she said innocently.

A laugh rolled off his tongue. “Right …” Looking to his friends, he said, “So we still on for this weekend?”

“Yup. For sure.” Jace and Ford both stated in unison. “I’m always ready to get my truck dirty and drink a few beers.”

“Jace, your truck is always dirty—inside and out,” Ford laughed. “When has it ever been clean? I don’t even remember what color it is since it’s covered in mud all the time.”

Alyssa’s face scrunched up. “Isn’t that going to ruin the paint and interior?”

Jace shrugged indifferently. “I’m a dirty boy. It doesn’t bother me a bit.”

“Do you have a girlfriend? Doesn’t she care when she rides inside your truck?”

“I have a few girls, they’ve never complained before, but then again we usually hang out in the back of my truck …” Jace winked playfully.

Shaking her head, Alyssa said, “I have to get going. See you guys around.”

“Here, let me walk you to class,” John offered.

“It’s okay. I can find my way. See ya later.”

Alyssa glanced over her shoulder as she walked away and locked eyes with John. He tracked her every step, his heady gaze stripping her down. She needed to tread carefully. Facing forward, she hid a small smile, actually looking forward to seeing him later. She was doing her best to not make friends so quickly, but he was an easy person to like.