ose words, James Riviera. And don't even think you can use your special lawyer skills and say it in ten different ways, because it won't work on me." Emotion fills my throat. My heart flutters. "Don't make me tell you I told you so." I allow the panic in my voice to be present. This is real. "I'm not playing. Can we include it as a clause in our vows or something when we get married?"

James shakes his head then drops his attention back to my hand and the ring he's holding. Not letting another second pass him by, he pushes the ring forward and slides the stone where it belongs. The thing is larger than my knuckle.

A little sob escapes me. I can't believe I'm going to marry the love of my life.

I look at our hands. James is looking too. Between my milky, youthful fingers, and his olive-toned aging ones, we're perfectly matched in every way. I belong to him, and he belongs to me. He raises the top of my hand to his lips and presses a gentle kiss. James stands, looking into my eyes, my left hand still in his.

"The only reason I would ever divorce you is if that ring ever comes off your finger."

I can't stop the blush that sweeps over my cheeks.

"Then I guess we have a deal."

A massive smile lights up my face. Excitement I didn't even know is possible to experience explodes like fireworks inside of me.

James isn't smiling like me. He's reflective, like there's a sense of peace finally settling inside of him.

"You know, that ring is basically a contract between us," James says matter-of-factly.

My cheeks are burning. He finally throws me a beaming smile, and it's a good one. James likes contracts. Once they’re signed, there's very little that can be done to reverse them.

"Can I just start calling you hubby now?"

His mouth flickers with laughter. "Two months ago, you rejected the idea. Now you want to start calling me husband early?"

I give him a shrug. "Why not?"

James barks out a laugh. "I'm going to make you the happiest woman on earth, sweetheart."

"You already do."

I close the distance between us and wrap an arm around his shoulders, the need to feel him against me consumes me. Cupping my cheek softly, James leans in and captures my lips with his. I open for him and allow his tongue to stroke mine. My eyes close and I press my chest to his, kissing him back with the same slow intensity he's kissing me with.

There’s no rush to this kiss.

We kiss like we’re making sweet love to each other. Soft caresses mingle perfectly to the beat of our hearts.


My arms loosen from around James’s neck. Flattening my palms, I pull them down over his broad chest and catch the sparkle of my engagement ring.

"I know you keep saying you're going to make me the happiest woman on earth, but I need you to know I intend to do the same for you. Marriage was never a goal of mine, but now that I'm going to marry you, it scares me because of the love I already have for you, and how much more I want to give you."

"You know what would make me really happy?"

Laughter bubbles in my throat. I feel like I know where this is going.

"What's that, handsome?"

"You on your back naked with nothing but that ring on your finger, and me deep inside of you. Aubrey, I gotta get in you."

Warmth curls around my neck. I want that too.

"In front of the fire?"

"That's where I'm going to have you first as my soon-to-be wife." He pauses for a second. "I was thinking when we do get married, we keep it small and intimate. Just a thought."

"I want what you want. But can we please make love first? I'm dying here, baby."