Page 20 of Casual Affair

She sucked in a breath.

“No more,” he grated out. “I’m in charge of that part. Not you.”

With his eyes locked on hers, he brought her hands up to his mouth and slowly licked the fingers that had just been touching her most sensitive area.

Well, shit. That was a new one for her.

Taking advantage of her daze, he wrapped his arms around her, picked her up, and strode toward his bedroom. A fraction of her sense came rushing back when she saw his huge, imposing bed in the middle of the room.

She unwound her legs from his waist, dropped to her feet, and took a step back. His actions had left her breathless, but she had to get this out or she might forever regret it. “Before we do this, we need to agree on one issue.” Even if it was a little late.

His eyes narrowed. “Which is?”

“This is a one-time thing,” she replied firmly. At his surprised look, she said, “Our situation is already…delicate. Making this a regular occurrence would further complicate that. The only reason I’m here now is because we’ve both wanted it for so long and we need to get it out of our systems. But after tonight, we’re back to being coworkers and nothing more.”

He hesitated, studying her with eyes that seemed to see way more than she was comfortable with. “I’m not sure that’s entirely doable.”

Impatience and disappointment warred inside her. “Why not?”

“Because now my cock has been inside you. Trust me, one night won’t be enough.”

The man did have an ego. “I think I’ll manage,” she drawled.

His expression hardened. “I meant for me.”

That made her pause. She hadn’t expected him to admit that.

“Oh.” She swallowed. “Well, I’m sure you’ll be fine. There are a million other women out there to choose from. I doubt you’ll have a problem replacing me.”

He looked like he wanted to argue, but he let it go.

Instead, he lifted her up, threw her onto the bed, and was on her before the mattress stopped bouncing. He lowered his mouth to her breast and sucked hard, leaving bites here and there before soothing away the pain with his tongue.

“Oh my God,” she screamed.

The man’s mouth was wicked.

She tried to grab his head to help guide his movements, but he took hold of her wrists and raised her arms above her head, pinning them there.

“Stay,” he ordered, his voice authoritative. “We’re doing this my way.”

Oddly, she didn’t feel put off by that. She usually insisted on being in the driver’s seat, and men generally had no problem with it. But there was something incredibly appealing about giving up the reins to Zane, allowing him to command her. In fact, having him in control turned her on in a big way.

Definitely not a reaction she would have expected.

And she obeyed. Even as his mouth slid farther down her body, seeking out her throbbing sex, she kept her hands where he’d placed them. Even as he gorged on her flesh, lapping up her cream like a man possessed, she left her arms above her head.

“Jesus. Oh God, that’s good.”

Not many men could eat a woman out like Zane did. That took talent. She usually got so impatient with a man’s lack of finesse down there that she stopped him and moved along before he could attempt to finish her off.

But Zane was having zero problems with that.

He held her hips in place as he plunged his tongue inside her, massaging her inner muscles. He didn’t even ease his way in. He just plastered his whole mouth on her from the beginning, making out with her clit the same way he’d taken possession of her mouth.

Damn. He was going at her like he wanted to claim her.

He was on the right track, too. She actually had to grip the sheets above her head and almost tore them to shreds as she screamed out her release.

She was not a screamer.

What the hell was happening to her?

While she came down from her high, he flew into action, climbing up her body and bringing himself right where his mouth had been seconds before. She looked up to see his lips shiny from her juices and had an urgent desire to push herself up and lick it off.

He didn’t make sure she was ready for him—hell, he knew she was. He rolled his hips and thrust into her, sliding in easily.