Page 11 of Casual Affair

Denise commented, “I’ve noticed that other companies tend to go with displays that mimic the qualities of the products—cutting edge, advanced, ahead of its time. Is that what you mean?”

Beatrice waved her hand at the projection screen. “Actually, no. Recent studies have shown that customers don’t always feel comfortable in a space that makes products feel inaccessible to them. They want to be impressed but still want a ‘store’ atmosphere where they feel at ease with the merchandise and displays. Approachability is the keyword here.”

Her voice sent Zane into a kind of trance, her pretty southern accent flowing over him, caressing him, igniting all of his senses. That unflappable confidence she commanded in the room was such a turn-on. The only time she didn’t seem sure of herself was when she made eye contact with him. Which was an even bigger turn-on.

He wanted her to be affected by him.

So, he took ruthless advantage of the situation. He sat with his elbow propped on his armchair, chin resting in his hand, watching every move she made. He didn’t look down at his packet once.

Maybe that made him a bastard, but he didn’t care. He was determined to wear down her resistance.

“One way to do that is to use pops of color,” she continued. “Red is a color that always grabs people’s attention. It’s bright and, subconsciously, it makes us stop, like obeying a stop sign. So, using red vases or placing red armchairs near the newest products is one way to increase foot traffic around particular merchandise.”

She continued her spiel for another twenty minutes, stopping every now and then for questions. She did well, and the whole room was buzzing with positivity by the end. The meeting had mostly been a formality. But it only confirmed what Zane and Peter had already decided—that Paxton Designs was the right choice for the project.

And not just because Zane’s dick had an intense reaction to one of the sisters.

“On the last few pages, you’ll find our projected expenses broken down, including labor costs,” Felicity told them. “The number at the bottom is our overall estimate for the project.”

“How soon would you be able to begin?” Zane asked. He had already checked the estimate and knew it was reasonable.

“As soon as you need us,” Beatrice said.

His pulse spiked because she’d finally addressed him. “Next week?”

“Sure. None of our other current projects are as time sensitive as yours. We can always move around our schedule to accommodate you.”

He spared Denise a quick glance. Her nod was precisely what he was looking for. He stood up and extended his hand to Felicity first. “I think we have enough information here to make our decision. I’ll have a contract drawn up as soon as possible.”

When he turned and took Beatrice’s hand, a jolt of awareness shot through his arm like lightning. And judging by the widening of her eyes, she felt it, too. “It will be a pleasure working with you,” he added, maintaining eye contact with her.

She looked a bit shell-shocked as she shook his hand.

Felicity offered him a huge smile. “Likewise. We’re honored to be a part of the Envision team.”

Beatrice broke out of her stupor and mumbled, “Thank you very much,” as she dropped his hand and started gathering up her things. He couldn’t stop the smug grin from spreading across his face as she was leaving the room.

“See you soon, Ms. Paxton.”

He now had all her phone numbers, which meant twenty-four seven access to the woman was right at his fingertips.

He moved to stand at the window overlooking the DC skyline, his imagination running wild as he began making plans.

Suddenly, she reappeared in the doorway. “Hi again,” she muttered. “I, um, just forgot my phone.”

He tracked her movements as she scuttled over to the chair where it had fallen. It bothered him when she didn’t look over at him, then hardly spared him a glance as she turned and headed for the door. To leave.

Oh, no. That wouldn’t do.

Before he allowed himself to think, he was behind her, following her. He almost ran right into her when she suddenly whipped around to face him. Their bodies were only inches apart.