
"James? Hey," I say, looking up at him beyond confused. "What're you doing here again? Natalie isn't back yet."

"I know," he says gruffly, then pushes himself inside and shuts the door.

"Oh, please do come in."

I don't bother hiding the fact I'm slightly annoyed he just barged in. Mainly because I'm tired as hell and just want to go to sleep.

I turn around and find James already staring at me. I frown, taking in his disheveled dress shirt and windblown hair. The colorful tattoos outlined in black I love so much are peeking out and capture my attention.

"Who's Daniel?"

My eyes snap up to his and I rear back. "My boyfriend."

James turns to stone in front of me, unmoving. Rage burns through his gaze and it hits me smack in the chest. He's acting like I just took away his favorite pacifier and I want to tell him to grow up.

"What are you talking about?" he says, eyes narrowing.

I shift on my feet and prop my hands on my hips, squaring my shoulders. "What are you talking about? Wait a minute… Did you wait outside until he left?"

James blatantly stares at me, ignoring my question. His body leans to the side in his stance. He's a bit intimidating right now but fortunately I'm used to men like this.

"You did, didn't you," I say, a bit surprised.

His nostrils flare. "When did you get a boyfriend, Aubrey? How long have you been with him?"

My eyes move back and forth between his. "I don't understand why you're here if you're really looking for Natalie, or why you're interrogating me over Daniel. What's the problem?"

"Answer the question."

"It's really none of your business to know anything about him." I scoff.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that because in the course of a sentence, James is downright seething now. Or maybe I shouldn't have been so spiteful with my tone.

"I have every right to know about him."

If he wants to go to bat, he picked the right chick for that. "That's my personal life."

"I told you when we went into this agreement to get rid of the boyfriend and to stop working at Sanctuary."

I'm wide awake now and steaming mad.

"Newsflash, I have a deal with you. Not a deal that controls my entire life. I've been with Daniel since before we agreed to anything, and I'm not going to stop working just because you said so. I can't believe you were serious about that. Did you really think I was going to give you every second of my life? What I do with my personal time is none of your business. You're married, remember?" My gaze drops to his left hand and I lift it to show him his wedding band. He yanks his hand away and steps toward me. I don't move because I don't back down for anyone. "I'm not a fucking dog, James. I don't heel because you blinked your goddamn eyes."

"For ten million dollars, you'll do exactly what I say and what I want, whenever I want. If I want you to get on your knees and suck my dick in the middle of Times Square, you fucking will. If I want to watch you fuck two men at the same time, you will. I said no work, and no boyfriend. Those were the only things I asked and you couldn't do that, or be honest with me. I don't ask for a lot. Instead you keep spreading your legs for money and have a baby boy on the side."

Rage pours out of me. "You have a fucking wife! What does it matter if I have a boyfriend? It doesn't stop me from doing what you want. I just go back to my regular life."

"Are you still at Sanctuary Cove?"

Eyes wide, my jaw drops. I don't answer, and he mimics my gaze.

"Yes, I am," I admit.

James lets out a mocking laugh that sends a shiver down my spine. "You really are a whore, aren't you?"

I draw in a thick gasp of utter disbelief. Of all the things James could say, he goes for the jugular. My emotions are quickly climbing and I can feel the burn of tears in my eyes. He sees it and doesn't even apologize. Being called a whore in the manner he used it denotes a dirty, disgusting toothless woman living on the streets giving blowies for a two-dollar hit of crack. It makes me feel cheap, like a real piece of garbage.