I shook my head and stared down at the floor. I think what he really meant to say was, "What the fuck happened out there?"

"Nowhere. I'm just thinking."

Friction radiated off him over my mistake, though he didn't say anything. We walked side by side toward the end of the runway for my second vault of the evening. The first attempt had ended with me on my butt, which would cost me big time. The blind landing was already difficult to begin with, but when I didn't get enough air and dropped my hips and then opened too late, there was no saving it.

"Your form was loose, and you did not block hard enough. Is it because of your arm?"

I shook my head and tapped my feet in the chalk. I curled my toes under to crack them.

"Give me," Kova said.

I glanced up wide-eyed. "Give you what?"

"Your arm. Give it to me." He waved his fingers.

I gawked and moved my arm behind my back. His eyes lowered like he was aggravated.

"Give me your arm, Adrianna," he demanded. "We do not have much time."

I shot a paranoid glance over my shoulder, then raised my arm to him. Kova took it and held me with only the touch of a professional. His thumb pressed on the muscles and joints, then he applied pressure to the crease. He hit a sore spot and I clenched my eyes shut, wincing. My arm was so swollen. Kova extended my arm and made sure my elbow was locked straight.

My teeth dug into the inside of my lip.

"Breathe." He commanded. I hadn't even realized I wasn't. "Flex."

He pushed on my palm and arched my fingers back, then rotated my wrist while holding the inside of my elbow so I couldn't bend it. My fingers were a little tingly and my hand was shaking.

"Do you have extra sports tape with you? If not, I will find some," he said, and I nodded in response. "This is what we are going to do. I will tape your arm after this rotation. It will not completely erase the pain, but it should help. In the meantime, you are going to put everything you have inside of you into that second vault. Give it your all. Do you understand me? We did not make it this far only to crumble when shit gets tough. When you are done, you are going to walk off and come to me like it does not bother you." He paused, then said, "Tonight after the meet, we will do therapy on it. Your father can stand over me and watch for all I care."

I nodded again robotically.

Kova let go of my arm but he didn't move back. He propped his hands on his hips and exhaled a tight breath.

"Talk to me. You have been so quiet."

"I don't want to do anything that will provoke my dad," I said under my breath. I was embarrassed to admit it.

"Believe me, I understand your fear more than anyone, but that is going to cost you everything you have worked for. Do not do that to yourself. I am not telling you to go against your father, but right now, this is about you and no one else. You worked hard for this, Adrianna. Do not let anyone or anything take it away from you. Your father knows this, and it is why you are here. Stop overthinking and do what you were born to do. You will live with regret if you do not. You are not reigning champ on vault for nothing."

He had a point.

The warning bell sounded to let us know it was time to go.

Our eyes met. My lips parted.

I watched him exhale, and he watched me inhale.

"Make it count," he said.

Kova turned around and walked to the end of the vault to double check the springboard was in position and the height of the apparatus was correct. He stood off to the side then looked down the runway at me. He dipped his chin to let me know I was good to go. I padded some chalk onto my palms then clapped my hands together. A small cloud appeared in front of me.

I moved to stand behind the taped white line and then stepped back another foot, needing the extra momentum.

Kova was right. I needed to reset my focus. Adrenaline surged through my body as I rolled my toes under me until they cracked, a nervous habit of mine. I raised my arms to salute the judges, then zeroed in on the vault and leaned up on the tips of my toes.

I got this.

I took long strides, building up the power, and envisioned myself flipping over the vault and completing the two and a half twists cleanly.