Bringing the phone to my ear, I said, "Hello?"

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my sister trying to steal the spotlight," Xavier said. It felt good to hear his voice.


"Is it true?"

My smile faded. "Which part?"

"About you being pregnant?" Leave it to Xavier to get right to the point. I didn't answer. "I'll take your silence as a yes."

"I was." I glanced up as Sophia ushered Dad to the other side of the room, giving me a bit of privacy. "I’m not anymore."

"Listen, I know you've gone through a lot these last couple of days. I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm not pissed the fuck off at you and the situation, but I will shut my mouth and save it for when you're able to have that conversation. And, Adrianna, we will be having that conversation."

God, Xavier reminded me so much of Dad in this moment.

"Thank you." I lowered my voice to almost a whisper. "I know I'm in no position to ask for a favor, but I really need something from you."

"Yeah, shoot."

"You have to promise to do it. Say, 'Yes, Adrianna, I promise to do anything you ask,' and then I'll tell you." He repeated after me with a hint of sarcasm that made me feel good inside. "Good," I said. "Now call Avery for me and tell her where I am. I don't want her to worry. I don't have my phone but I’ll call her first thing I can, so tell her to be ready for me."

Xavier was quiet for a long drawn out moment. I felt bad asking him to do this considering their history, but I needed him to call her. "Please. I need to talk to her."

He released a deep sigh, which told me him calling her was going to take a lot out of him. "All right, but only because you're my sister and I love you."

I smiled. "Thank you. When was the last time you spoke to her?"

"Oh, months ago. Around the Fourth of July." He was quiet, but I detected the sadness in his tone.

"You're not over her, are you?"

"Avery isn't someone you can easily get over."

I smiled to myself. "Sounds like her. She's hard to forget once she puts her mark on you."

He half chuckled, half huffed. "Tell me about it."

"I better go," I said, my voice small. It was nice talking to him. "I should rest now if I plan to make a huge comeback in just a few days."

"You're crazy, you know that?"

"Yeah, well, what's life without a little madness?"

"A boring fucking life, that's for sure. Stay strong, sis. You got this."

I tried not to tear up. "Thanks, Xavier." We hung up. I sniffled then wiped my nose.

Once Dad and Sophia realized I was off the phone, they stopped talking and walked over to me. I handed his phone back to him.

"Is it okay if I rest for a little while? Alone?"

A shadow crossed Dad’s eyes. He shifted on his feet. "Yes, of course. We'll be out here whenever you wake up." He turned to Sophia. "Do you want to go get coffee?" She nodded and they turned toward the door. "I'll just be a shout away," he said right before he stepped out. I thanked him and watched as they exited the room together.

Once the door clicked shut, I waited a few minutes to see if they would return. The silence grew thicker as their footsteps finally retreated. When a fair amount of time passed, I let go and broke down.

I cried for Kova.