Walking back into the living room, I found Kova near the front door. He had my World Cup duffle bag over his shoulder and my large rolling suitcase in one hand. He extended his arm and I faltered in my steps and stopped walking.

I stood across from him and my breathing labored. My chest was spasming in one breath and constricting in the other. Eyes widening, I felt the onset of a panic attack starting. Kova's eyes narrowed and I tensed, feeling the pressure intensify. My fingers flew to m

y throat and I was instantly scared. I tried to push against it with a slow pull of oxygen and it only backfired. Lips parting, I stared at Kova, trying to swallow and I couldn't.

Kova dropped my bag and stalked over to me. He grabbed my upper arm and yanked me to him. I gasped and my chest expanded right before he gripped the back of my neck and slammed his lips to mine. His hard kiss was intended to snap sense into me, and he instructed me to breathe as he let go of my arm and wrapped his around the small of my back. His fingers loosened on my neck.

I listened, steadying myself.

Kova gave me one more kiss and reached for my hand, tugging me behind him. "I love you. Now let us go."

I locked up my condo for the last time.

Timing, man. It loved to fuck with me.


Walking down the hallway, Kova pressed a quick kiss to my shoulder.

I leaned into him and placed my other hand on the fold of his elbow. He kissed the top of my head as we made our way toward the elevator together.

I had a gut feeling he was scared himself despite trying to seem like he had it under control. Kova kept me glued to his side and kept giving me little kisses.

Neither one of us spoke while we walked to his car. Once my luggage had been stored away, Kova opened the passenger door for me. I turned to thank him, but he was purposely looking elsewhere. He blinked, noticing me but still didn't look. I pulled back, feeling the pinch in my heart sharpen until I saw that his eyes were glossy.

I didn't say anything and took my seat.

The drive to the airport was exceptionally quiet. We didn't waste the time talking. We laced our fingers together over his console and I rested my head on his arm as he drove the forty-five minute distance. He kept his gaze on the road the entire time. I couldn't see his eyes behind his sunglasses, but I noticed the harsh lines around his mouth.

Time passed too quickly and we were exiting the highway.

"You can do the drop off so it's easier for you," I suggested.

"I will park."

My stomach cramped. I had a feeling he was going to say that. I wanted him to park, but I also didn't.

It took no time to park and check in my suitcase. Kova took my hand and didn't let go. We walked into the terminal and checked the departing times. Kova looked at his watch then looked over my head. He read the signs, then he took a step and I followed.

It was funny how emotions worked. Kova and I knew there was no point in trying to make light of our situation with feeble talk. There was nothing either of us could say that would bring even an ounce of comfort. The fact was the end result wouldn't change. I was still leaving.

I eyed the escalator knowing Kova couldn't go with me past that point.

The closer we got to it, the warmer my blood heated. My heart viciously attacked my ribs. I watched the moving stairs climb and realized I didn't want to do this.

I was going to be sick.

Kova tugged me toward an empty luggage area. He dropped my duffle bag then turned toward me and cupped my face, encasing us under the lip of his hat. My hands automatically slid under his arms to hug him tight.

My emotions were already elevated and they broke the moment Kova pressed his body to mine. Tears seeped from my eyes as he swept a kiss across my mouth. His lips were damaging, and his fingers wrapped around the sides of my head and gripped me. I drew in air through my nose and fisted his shirt in my hand. He didn't want to say goodbye.

Kova ripped away, his eyes pierced my heart and his voice held me hostage.

"Understand something, Adrianna." A soft whimper escaped my lips. "I will come for you."

I was shattered.

Completely shattered inside.