* * *

I pursed my lips together and walked to the chalk bowl, rubbing some chalk onto my hands before getting onto the bar.

I swung up and straightened my arms at my sides until the bar rested on my hips, and visualized a clap on the second layout. I stared down at the

giant pit of square foams. It didn't seem too difficult. Usually my arms were glued to my sides in a double layout.


I glanced down my shoulder to where Kova was standing.

"Just do a double. I will call out when you should clap."

I nodded. "That's a good idea."

Casting to a handstand, I swung around the bar twice and let go, listening for his direction. Right at the beginning of my second back flip he yelled, "Now!"

Bringing my hands up to clap was much harder than I anticipated. My stomach tensed and the force of gravity worked against me. I wasn't expecting that.

Landing in the pit, I popped up and reached for his hand. He yanked me out and I nearly flew into him.

"Awkward, right?"

My eyes widened. "Yes. It was kind of a rush."

"But now you have an idea where you need to clap, yes?"

I nodded and turned around. It was going to take a ton of these drills to get the timing right. I could already tell.

"Ah, Adrianna?" I looked over my shoulder just before I added more chalk to my hands. "Let us practice these over there." He hooked a thumb over his shoulder toward the uneven bars. "I do not want you getting used to it on the high bar with so little time to practice."

I followed him and stopped, my back to the low bar. I didn't need to say what I required of him, he knew to hoist me up so I could reach the high bar. Kova stood behind me and placed his hands on my hips. Nothing unusual for a coach to be this close, but the heat coming from him right before he lifted me didn't go unnoticed.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded.

I knew what he meant and that was all the thought I was giving it right now.

Once I was mid-flight, I clapped on the second layout. It was a much different landing than I prepared for and I felt a little shock shoot up my ankle. My form wasn't so great, but that was expected the first time.

I grunted, grabbing my ankle. He picked up the mat and placed it under the bar without having to ask. "Are you in pain?" he asked, bent over adjusting the mat to the right place.

"No." I shook my head, looking past him to the girls on the balance beam. I refused to look at him. I was too embarrassed. Reagan was over there with Holly, Sarah, and Madeline. I stood beneath the bar again, waiting. Coming up behind me, his hands found my hips again. This time they sat lower, his fingers splayed out, softly touching my bikini line, his thumbs just barely above my ass. I drew in a quiet breath and waited until his hands slid up to grasp me.

But they didn't. Kova stepped closer to my backside until I felt the front of his hard body against me. His hot breath rolled down my neck and I swallowed.

"Do not be upset with me. It is not what you think. Far from it," he whispered only for my ears. "I knew you were standing there listening," he added. My heart crashed like dead weight into my gut and I instinctively took a small step forward, but he stopped me by pressing his fingers into my skin. "One day you will understand."

"You are seriously the worst human alive," I said. "You make me regret ever meeting you."

"We do what is required to get through each day to survive. Some days are harder than others, and we may not be able to look at ourselves in the mirror, but we do what we have to do."

My nose flared. He was testing me. I glanced around nervously. We were too close, way too close, and it made my heart rush. Without saying a word, I raised my arms to see what he'd do. Much to my relief, Kova lifted me up, but not how he should have.

He purposely slid me slowly along the front of his body. I fit against his every curve and I held my breath in anticipation. "I did not come," he breathed into my ear.

He wasn't lying. I felt every hard inch of him. I closed my eyes, trying not to feel what he was doing. I wanted to let go of the bar and drop to the floor so I could push and shove and curse him out.