When she said stuck, it hit. My jaw dropped, and my eyes popped wide. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't help it. I swung back and slapped my brother in his midsection with the back of my hand. This was a typical senior prank at our high school. Only she wasn't a senior yet and they were just assholes.

"I spent all morning having my baby detailed, inside and out. I got enough off the windows so I could see where I was going, but when I got inside my car and turned the air on, I was shot with a massive puff of flour. There was flour everywhere, Aid, everywhere. I tried hosing off the flour on the outside, and it only made it worse. There's still flour and eggshells all over my driveway."

I couldn't contain myself and busted out laughing as I pictured Avery sprayed with flour.

"Oh my God. But why would they do that?" I turned toward my brother and asked him the same question.

"Why not?" Xavier said, shrugging.

"Because they're fucking assholes, that's why. Need any more explanation?"

I chuckled at her annoyed tone, and so did my brother. It was impossible not to.

"So, you came over here to yell at them?" I paused, thinking about what my dad said and the scene I just saw. "My dad said you come here from time to time while I've been gone."

She shot Xavier a fleeting glance before setting her eyes back on me. "I think your dad is drinking too much bourbon. Why would I come here without you? To see who?"

"That's what I said. But then I…I thought maybe..." My heart pounded. I had to get it out. "I thought…I thought maybe you guys might be seeing each other or something."

"What! Are you fucking kidding me?" Xavier exclaimed. His face turned a deep shade of red. He wasn't laughing anymore. "I'm not a fetus humper. Young bitchy Barbies aren't my type."

Avery stared straight into my eyes as if she was calculating his demise in her mind.

"A fetus humper," she stated, putting heavy emphasis into the words. "A fetus humper. Where do you come up with this shit?"

"I don't screw girls, especially ones much younger than me. Not worth the jail time, and I'm not a fucking sex ed teacher. I like them experienced and untamed."

I scoffed, pretending to dry-heave. "You're so gross." The last thing I wanted to picture was my brother having sex.

Avery chimed in. "Tell me, do you happen to have another brother I don't know about that I'd come visit instead of this fuckwad standing next to me?"

I feigned a smile. "You know I don't."

"I will admit that I've been here more lately since they came home for winter break two weeks ago, but that's it. Girl, I missed you, but I don't miss you that much where I need to sleep in your bed and shit and be close to your brother to feel close to you. What the fuck?" I relaxed, laughing at the expression on her face. "That's some psycho shit right there."

"As much as I'm loving this cozy little reunion, I gotta dip."

Before Xavier could leave, I called out his name. "What's with the bruise and cut?"

He tilted his head and gave me a side glance. At this angle, I could see he had dark circles under his eyes. He put up his fists and crouched down, pretending to box the air, throwing jabs and undercuts.

"Just fuckin' around with some friends."

Xavier walked away. I watched as he opened the door and a huge cloud of smoke slipped out.

We couldn't be more different if we tried.

I pulled Avery into a side hug. "So, how do you plan to get them back?" She chuckled. Avery was already scheming.

We walked back into my house, making plans for the day to look for a gala dress. I was beyond excited to hang out with my best friend. My stomach flittered with butterflies and happiness radiated from her just as it did me. This time at home was going to be exactly what I needed. It had been many months since we got to hang out, being so far from Avery was way harder than I had expected.

I changed into a more Palm Beach look while Avery caught me up on all the drama at her school and how she worked her way up to cheer captain. I knew she'd make the team. When Avery set her mind to something, it was extremely rare she didn't achieve it. As she rambled on, I put on a little makeup and curled the ends of my hair. Despite praising myself on not being like one of the Gucci squad kids, I still had to keep up my appearance. I was fortunate, my parents gave me a lot, and doing something as simple as playing the part for them was something I could suck up and do.

Stepping back, I assessed myself in the mirror. I had gotten used to rolling out of bed and not having to get dolled up for anything that I'd forgotten how much I missed it. It was amazing how far a little mascara and nice clothes could go.


t as we were about to leave, Mom walked out of Dad’s home office and took in my appearance.