
definitely caught me looking at her. Guilt consumed me, and I kept my eyes focused on the floor as I got back in line.

I was too ashamed, yet I wasn't. He needed something she couldn’t give him, and he found it with me.

"Yeah, I'm so happy for them," Reagan said cheerfully to Holly. I applied some chalk to my hands to absorb the moisture then stretched my wrists, flexing them back and forth, pushing on my palms. They'd been aching lately from the hard impact they often took. I'd have to get my wristbands from my bag just to be safe.

"Me, too," Holly responded. "It's about time. I mean, I knew they would eventually tie the knot after how long it's been. They seem so in love."

My head snapped up and I glared at Holly, but Madeline called my name to go. Reagan eyed me too curiously and I struggled to look away.

But I didn't. Our eyes locked onto each other and something tender shifted in her eyes that said everything, everything I needed to know.

I blinked. There was no way.

Lips parting, my chest rose and fell faster with each intake of air.

"Adrianna! Today!" Madeline shouted, clapping her hands, but I couldn't tear my eyes from Reagan's or allow my mind to drift from replaying what I’d just heard over and over.

It couldn't be. There's no way Kova would do that to me. Not after he made love to me last night.

"Adrianna," Reagan said gently, "let me go first." My vacant eyes shifted to hers, but I ignored her and took my position.

My mind thought back to the sparkle I'd seen when she walked in. I felt like I would be able to spot an engagement ring.

The knot in my stomach tightened. Had I and not realized it?

"Keep going and I'll be right back," Madeline said, then jogged away toward the lobby.

Inhaling then exhaling a huge breath of air, I tried desperately to focus as I rose up on my toes and leaned forward. I started running, eyeing the corner, and angled into a round off, my mind replaying their conversation.

"It's about time."

"They would eventually tie the knot."

"They seem so in love."

There was no way Kova wouldn't tell me if he got married, especially after last night. My mind had to be playing tricks on me, it had to be.

No, I thought to myself as my feet punched the floor and I leaned backwards into my back handspring. Eventually meant they had gotten married, I thought as I rebounded and reached for the sky, turning into a full twist, and rotating my hips so I could pull a double back tuck.

But I didn't.

I only executed one twist and landed with both feet, a sharp pain shooting up my leg. I feigned a rebound and grabbed my leg, then hobbled away, pretending like it never happened and I was stretching it out. This time, I kept my gaze strictly on the floor as I made my way back to the corner, even though I could sense eyes were on me.

Holly was in front of me when I uttered the words to Reagan, though my focus was anywhere but on her.

"Are they married?" I asked, barely moving my lips. I knew I shouldn't ask her, my tone giving a lot away, but I couldn't not. I had to know. I had to.

My eyes lifted to the scene in the lobby. I watched as Madeline leaned in and kissed Katja's cheek. I assumed they exchanged joyous words, judging by their happy expressions and how Madeline lifted Katja's left hand, but she blocked the view.

My heart dropped. No… It couldn't be. It just couldn't.

"I found out two days ago from my mom. I thought you knew too," Reagan said quietly under her breath. I shook my head, staring straight ahead. "It's why there's a big celebration dinner for both parents and coaches tonight."

She found out two days ago.

All air left my lungs.