I stiffened. "He's not." I enunciated the T. "Do not tell me what I need and don't need, okay? A B12 deficiency can be from many things other than exhaustion. Look it up on the internet."

"Who gives them to you?"

I looked at him like it was obvious. "I do."

"So you've been giving yourself shots for, what, a month now," he stated in disbelief. "Because you're tired." Another statement, unimpressed this time.

"Ah, yes?"

"You know the reason why I worry about you," he said, lowering his voice to barely above a whisper. I looked around to see if anyone heard him. Reagan eyed us and I gave her a dirty look. I swear I couldn't escape her no matter where I went. She was always there, lurking, waiting, and watching. "But now I'm even more worried. This isn't good."

My brows wrinkled. I didn't need to explain myself to anyone, and I sure as hell didn’t need to explain a goddamn vitamin the doctor prescribed me. If I could give myself a shot in the other suggested areas, I would. But I couldn't reach my arm without angling the needle, and my hip… I shuddered at the thought. It would be like going right into the bone and I couldn't handle that. The thigh was the most logical spot for me. It was the most active too.

All I could do was shake my head and walk away from this utterly ridiculous conversation. I gathered up my gear and proceeded to the next station—the balance beam—when I heard my name called.

Looking over my shoulder, my face fell. Both Hayden and Kova were stalking toward me, their faces grim and brooding. I released an aggravated sigh and forced myself not to roll my eyes. I was just plain old annoyed today and I didn't know why.

Kova's eyes immediately dropped to the center of my thigh. His nostrils flared and a tick started in his jaw.

"Why did you not tell me about these…injections?"

My eyes popped wide at the scowl in his voice, and I turned to Hayden. "What? Did you tattle on me? Are you seven?"

Real mature.

Stone-faced, he said nothing, so I turned back to Kova. "I'm not shooting myself up with heroine!" I retorted. "It's a vitamin."

He blinked. I went on. "You knew I had a shot at the first meet."

"But I was not aware you were still doing them. This is news to me."


"So?" He pulled back, his taut voice and glaring eyes only for me. "Do I need to remind you that you are under my authority? That means I need to be notified of every single change in your lifestyle, most importantly, medical changes, such as doctor visits and medication and so on? I need to be aware of everything, Adrianna."

I felt like my privacy, real privacy, had been invaded.

"You've been notified over everything that warrants reporting. Do you need to know that I also have my period, Coach? Because that's a significant change in my life I must make adjustments for every month. I took some Pamprin this morning. The cramps are crushing my soul this time around, and my boobs"—I palmed both of them—"are heavy and aching and so tender I want to cry. I can barely run they hurt so bad. Not to mention, my flow is stupid heavy this time. I have to change my tampon every two hours."

Kova didn't flinch, but Hayden blushed seven shades of red.

"Pamprin is not allowed," Kova stated blandly. "It is an anti-inflammatory."

This asshole.

I hated that he was right. I wasn't supposed to have any kind of anti-inflammatory because of my Achilles treatment; but more importantly, I hated that he knew what was in the drug at first mention, and I didn't. My face showed it and he gave me that knowing look.

Worked up and angry over something so minuscule that did not deserve this attitude or attention, I lowered my voice and stepped closer.

"I'm glad you're up to date on medications designed for menstrual cycles, I'm sure you and Hayden could exchange Cosmo magazines and experiment on homemade face masks together since you're so into girl shit, but this is ridiculous. You both are acting ridiculous over a fucking vitamin."

Kova's entire body tensed. He froze. A wall went up like I offended him. Hayden just stood there like he was used to the same treatment from his sister.

"There is clearly an underlying issue that you cannot see. I told you weeks ago I was worried. You should not need this many doses, Adrianna. I am extremely concerned."

"Save it."

"Adrianna," Hayden said gently. I glared at him like I wanted to strangle his neck until his head popped off. He recoiled, and both Hayden and Kova looked at each other, staring for a long moment as if they could read each other's minds. "We're just worried about you," he said.