I was a winner. And I was going to focus on winning.

"Let it go, you did well," Kova said, then boarded the plane. "There is always next time."

But he wouldn’t be there the next time.

I followed behind him and took my seat, thankful I had the row to myself. It was a midday flight on a Monday, and not very crowded. Once the seatbelt light turned off, I grabbed my duffle bag from the overhead. I needed a distraction. I sat back down and dug through my bag for the paperback I had tossed in there earlier, and froze. I took a quick glance around at my team. Reagan was two rows ahead of me. Across the aisle from me, Holly and Sarah had nodded off. Everyone else seemed busy with their own thing, including Madeline and Kova. I turned back to my bag and took out the spiral-bound notebook.

My stomach filled with butterflies as I flipped through the pages. We'd managed to pass it back and forth a few times over the last couple weeks. We kept it short and sweet, and while we had fun with it, we got to know each other a little better. I got to experience a different side of Kova. He was light and carefree. I smiled at his responses to my mundane questions.

I love cotton candy. I have a bad sweet tooth and have bags hidden in my house.

I questioned if he was a five year old.

I turned to the next the page and reread the entry. He'd asked if I liked top or bottom. Top or bottom of what? He made no sense. A bagel? A bunk bed? A cupcake? I shook my head, I still didn't know what he meant. I had responded...

I guess it would be the top for all. I like the top.

Too bad. I do not bottom for anyone. You have a lot to learn. One day. Timing is everything.

He could be so frustrating, but anticipation filled me at the thought of what more he could teach me. I turned the page to write him a response but was surprised to find another entry from him.

I will always be by your side, that is, if you will have me.

My stomach dropped as the tone turned serious. I didn't know what this meant. Lifting my eyes, I found Kova staring right at me. The hungry look in his emerald eyes struck me deep to my core. It wasn't just sex though. There was more to his stare. More he was trying to say.

If only I could decipher it.

Chapter Forty-Seven

"Adrianna, what's that?" Hayden asked, pointing down to my leg.

I glanced down at the small bruise that marred my lean thigh and dusted the chalk away, the back of my knuckles smoothing over the hard lump. My vitamin injection site had turned into an ugly shadow of black and blue a few days ago, and now there was that brownish-yellow shade surrounding it. I usually applied concealer to the area, but I slept in a little today and completely forgot.

"The bruise? It's from the vitamin B12 shots," I said like it was obvious.

His blue eyes filled with concern. "What are you talking about?"

I shifted on my feet and looked over at Madeline to make sure she wasn't waiting for me. Holly was next, then Sarah, then me.

"Remember the meet where I was dealing with exhaustion?" He nodded, eyes leveled on me. "I have to take B12 shots now because my energy is so low."

His brows furrowed. "How often are you taking them?"

I glanced at Madeline. I was next. "Right now, I take them often, but once my levels are higher, then I can lower it to twice a month."

"And Coach Kova knows?"

I pursed my lips together. "You know, I can't remember. But I gotta go—don't want to keep her waiting."

After I executed a handful of vaults with suggestions from Madeline, Hayden found me again.

"What's up," I asked breathlessly, fixing my ponytail.

His forehead was deeply creased. "Who gives you the shots?"

I sighed. "Jesus Christ, get off my back. You act like someone is beating me. Why are you so concerned anyway?"

"I just am. If you need shots because you're tired, that's an obvious sign you need to slow down." He glanced over his shoulder toward Kova and glowered at him. "Or he's pushing you too hard and overworking you, which wouldn't surprise me if that was the case."