She could still feel his warm breath caressing her skin, and his hard, athletic body moving against hers. His deep, authoritative voice played over and over in her head, telling her words that made her go wet. Everything about him excited her, much more than any man had in months. It wasn’t just his physical appearance, but most of all just the way he looked at her.

She could imagine the wicked things he wanted to do to her just from the look in those gold-flecked green eyes.

Gabrielle shook her head of the thick mist of lust still clouding her senses. A man like Adam was too dangerous – even if just for that fleeting escapade of near-anonymous sex. Finally gathering her thoughts, she decided to come out of hiding. Time she went home and forgot any crazy ideas like…

She opened the door and there he was, leaning against the opposite wall.


At first, Adam had debated whether to make pursuit. When it came to sex, he could have his pick of anyone he desired. He didn’t even have to make the effort, as beauties of every nationality threw themselves at him. But this honey-skinned temptress with the doe eyes stirred his blood like a fever and was definitely worth the chase.

She looked startled by his presence, but there was something else there on her face. Relief, an inner acceptance? Adam wasn’t about to take the chance of drawing this out much further. He could sweep her off to any of his nearby penthouse locations, but he wasn’t fooled by the fragile surrender in her eyes. She wouldn’t be getting any more chances of escape or second-guessing.

He moved forward a step, and she backed away. “What are you doing?” she burst out.

He closed the space between them, and she leaned back till she felt the solid presence of the wall. He propped his hands on either side of her head, caging her in and making her squirm. Not speaking, he stared into her eyes, and her skittishness settled as she waited, panting.

“I’m not through with you yet,” he rasped, leaning in closer and flashing a half smile.

He wasn’t even touching her, yet Gabrielle’s heart raced faster, his closeness as stimulating as ever. That glint of a smile took her mind to forbidden places and made her frightened of what that sinfully gorgeous smile could tempt her to do.

“I couldn’t let you go without a taste. You’ve got me curious, Gabrielle. And deep down, I know you’re curious, too.”

Gabrielle stared into his eyes and couldn’t look away. The way he said her name always made her quiver. His words rang true, and she knew that neither of them could deny what was happening. The sexual tension was too powerful and yet it could be nothing at all. It would only take one taste to know once and for all.

So when he lowered to plant his lips over hers, she didn’t protest. That first lingering kiss was sweet and warm, lighting her up in steady sparks. In moments, it flared into a combustible charge of heat that consumed her from the inside out. Letting out a moan, she gripped his shoulders and kissed him back with answering passion.

He was the one who broke away, only to kiss her neck and groan as she shuddered against his unrelenting frame. A sound of heels and chattering female voices came and before the advancing figures could emerge from around the corner and see them, he took her hand and gently led her the other way, down the hallway to the men’s restroom.

Her fingers quivered trustingly in his. His hand was so warm, and when he glanced back at her for a moment as they reached the door of the men’s room, Gabrielle could only nod her assent. A gleam of approval lit his gaze before he drew them both inside. The environs were as brightly spotless and refined as the ladies’ room, the one difference being the urinals right outside the stalls.

Gabrielle stumbled slightly, and he whipped around to capture her in his arms. Using the force of his body, he pressed her against the shut door. Up until now, he’d been gentle, but now he gripped both her wrists in one hand and held them above her head, while his other hand wrapped around her throat. Gabrielle’s heart pounded sickeningly with desire at the sense of being so easily overpowered. Though there was nothing threatening at all in his demeanor, she still felt that scintillating rush of apprehension.

With predatory grace, his head descended till his lips poised close to hers. “I’ll be honest. I wanted you the second I saw you. I walked in and everything about you seemed to take up the whole room. Then when you turned and looked at me that first time, the look in your eyes…”

Gabrielle shuddered as she relived the thrill of that moment. She hadn’t known she’d been so easy to read, and that he could tell even then that she wanted him. To think he’d noticed her first and she hadn’t even known made her want to smile like a giddy schoolgirl.