The dance floor wasn’t that bad at all, actually. And Gabrielle wasn’t that bad a dancer, but she wouldn’t win any trophies for her moves either. But none of that mattered right then. The ambience around them was potent with adrenalin.

The lights on the floor were designed in midnight constellations, casting shadows and colors over the crowd. Their bodies drew together almost naturally, and she caught his dark, decadent scent. Deep between her inner thighs was a steady thrum, matching the deep, full bass of the music. The song seemed made just for them, and just for sex.

Adam rested his hands possessively on her hips and pulled her against him, closing that last tiny inch between them. Their bodies fitted together like perfect puzzle pieces, his face nuzzling at her throat as he guided her to move with him. Slowly, Gabrielle wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and danced with her handsome stranger on the stardust floor.

Nothing existed but the music and Adam. The urgent tempo grew louder and more intense, inviting not foreplay but passion. It growled inside her like something living, bringing forth the sexual firestorm within. Gabrielle didn’t even notice the daring aerialist coiling and dancing from the ceiling above them, and centered her whole awareness on Adam. His scent, his heat, his danger. How easily he radiated power and sex. She felt drugged by him.

His breath brushed the side of her neck. Pleasurable tingles danced on that portion of her skin, and her eyes squeezed shut. She didn’t know how he made her body move the way it did. Sultry, rocking glides of her hips and waist, still tempered by the hard hold of his hands on them.

“Can you feel it?” Adam’s husky words rumbled inside her ear. Her knees almost buckled simply from the sound of his voice. Even her clit seemed to pulse with excitement and red-hot lust.

She couldn’t even pretend not to know what he meant. Her whole body screamed for him, and she felt the answering surge of his desire. When he lifted his head and compelled her gaze to meet his, she couldn’t conceal the sudden flash of fear of the unknown dancing across her face.

“Gabrielle,” he growled.

He demanded an answer, those jade green eyes seeming to pierce right through her.

“Yes, I can feel it,” she finally breathed. “I don’t know what it is. But I like it.” Her hand moved from his shoulder to rest on his chest. Her palm slid beneath his suit and along the hard muscle of his chest covered in expensive silk. Her insides turned gooey, helplessly dizzy and wet with desire. His maleness was an intoxicating blend that clouded her brain, making her hungry to taste, bite and suck him from head to toe. It was crazy.

He was touching her, too. Those big hands skimmed along the curve of her slender waistline, over generously flared hips and then up and down her shivery spine. He set her on fire with his delicious caresses. Tugging her even tighter in his embrace, he made her feel his hardness for her. In turn, her nipples twinged painfully through her clothes as they rubbed against his shirted chest. They might as well have been naked with the way their bodies responded to each other.

“Your scent drives me crazy,” he rasped, nuzzling her neck. “Just like everything else about you.”

“You drive me crazy, too.”

Her artless words slipped out before Gabrielle could stop them. But she was glad she’d voiced them when he swore underneath his breath. His fingers dug deeper into the skin of her back, those tempting lips grazing her earlobe as he said, “I don’t want to stop touching you. Tell me you want more.”

“You mean…” Gabrielle’s words cut off. Her heart pounded with that ever-present cocktail of fear and excitement. Tonight wasn’t about romance. It was about rolling high, making bad choices and deciding not to regret any of it later.

Two different voices waged within her. One voice said, This is so wrong, I don’t even know this guy. The other voice argued, I don’t care. He’s incredible.

But the sensible voice won, and Gabrielle pushed away from Adam. “I can’t,” she said breathlessly, and then spun away in a blind dash through the crowd.

When Gabrielle reached the ladies’ room, she couldn’t even remember how she got there so fast. She swung open the door and ran inside like it was her safe haven. She headed straight for the sink, glad the place was empty and blessedly quiet. The bathroom was bright and stark, and clean, and just as elegant as the rest of the club. Gabrielle stared at her reflection under the white light and seemed to see herself for the first time.

Still trying to catch her breath, she berated herself for being such an idiot. Why had she done that, running off like a shocked virgin? She closed her eyes against the stranger she viewed in the mirror, all wild eyes, and skin glowing with that rush of adrenalin and endorphins. Her excitement for Adam overwhelmed her, and maybe that’s what had sent her fleeing like that.