“Think of it as harmless flirting. I saw the way he was looking at you, so your job’s already half-done,” urged Ayana. “He didn’t even notice any of the starlets and fashion models seated all around us. What’s the harm in exploring tonight’s options, whatever they bring? This is your best chance to make tonight as memorable as possible. So don’t even try to talk yourself out of it.”


“I know you aren’t about to spout some shit like he’s white, too rich or whatever,” Ayana growled while wagging a warning finger. “Both guys think we’re heiresses out for a night of blowing our rich daddies’ money. It would be crazy to pass up a chance to play princesses for the night. Now let’s head back – I’m dying for some more of that premium vodka Adam ordered. The guy sure knows his liquor and doesn’t mind spending on it, too.”

She spun Gabrielle around and hustled her out the door, giving no chance for protests. They were back to the VIP section and the energy levels were as high as ever. Gabrielle’s heart was thumping from Ayana’s words, and more so when she saw Adam’s distinctive profile as she headed back for their table.

He looked suave sitting there casually talking to Jake. Other women were checking him out openly and giggling with their friends, but he didn’t seem to notice or care. Could what Ayana said be true, and he had his sights set on Gabrielle? He’d spent the good part of an hour trying to convince her to dance with him, so there was that. Could she really get herself to stop being so angsty and just take a chance?

Explore tonight’s options, whatever they may be. Ayana’s words rang in her ears now, just as Adam chose to turn his head and glance around as if in search of her. Gabrielle kept striding forward and yet in that moment that their gazes met, it seemed like time stood still. That one look they shared as she closed the space between them spoke volumes, sending her stomach lurching.

Little could she have guessed that single moment foreshadowed the outcome of the night – sinful, wall-banging sex in the club with her mysterious green-eyed stranger.

If only she had known, would she have run the other way?

Maybe it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. From the moment she’d set eyes on him, it was already too late. His animal magnetism and effortless aura of dominance had triggered a switch inside Gabrielle. Only now, as she walked back to him, could she fully admit it to herself. Would succumbing and letting nature take its course be so terrible?

Gabrielle shook off the doubts swirling in her head. Reaching their section of the club, she saw Ayana slip easily next to Jake, settling back against the arm he’d placed behind her on the leather couch. Gabrielle hid a shiver as she took her place next to Adam.

She liked how he easily struck up conversation again, and though she knew she shouldn’t, Gabrielle accepted the offer of something more to drink. She’d had more than enough already, but hey, whatever. She had a new job, a hot guy vying for her attention, and her excitement mounted with each moment they spent around each other. Her demeanor had eased from polite to warm, and she could tell he noticed.

She didn’t mind at all when their thighs seemed to brush too close, or when he made light contact. A touch on the shoulder, a flicking back of her hair from her cheek, or even a brief time when his hand rested on her knee as they talked.

In turn, Gabrielle grew more and more daring. Her lips brushed a little too close when she said something in his ear. Did he seem to give a slight start or had she simply imagined it? When she crossed her legs once or twice and her dress rode up a little higher, did she see his eyes go a deeper range of green as they momentarily swept over her bared golden-brown skin?

He seemed to do everything right. Unlike other guys who made themselves so obvious, Adam wasn’t about superficial compliments or overbearing come-on signals. The topics they covered were never personal or too deep. He was certainly an intellectual, but he didn’t try to impress her with any lofty conversation. Comfortable topics like music and other leisure interests punctuated the conversation they shared in between enjoying the performances or the scene around them. And yes, she did get to dance with him.

The DJ had just spun a string of pumping top hits, and then came a song that really lit Gabrielle’s eyes up. Even before she could say anything, Adam held out his palm and moments later, Gabrielle was on her feet, moving along with him, hand in hand. She didn’t even want to think how easy it was for her to obey him. Just how willing and compliant was she intending to be tonight?