She’d gone a long time without, but after a few months of abstinence, you sort of got used to it. Gabrielle had definitely never had this great white-hot itch between her legs just for breathing in some handsome man’s sexy cologne.

“I was right; you are scared.” His tone held a trace of humor, causing Gabrielle to turn on him again with a glare. “And you know what, that makes me glad. I’d take that over indifference.”

“Why would you care either way?”

He paused, then glanced into his tumbler with a frown of contemplation. “Because, for the first time in a while, I’m intrigued by a woman and the best thing is she doesn’t seem the type to throw herself at me at a minute’s notice.”

Gabrielle huffed, concealing a smile. “You really thought your fat wallet would impress me? I mean, I can tell you’re wealthy, but it’s not a determining factor when it comes to what attracts me. You show up throwing your money around, and I’m supposed to be all over you, right?”

“Hardly. Since you got a table close to all the action and so kindly consented to having my friend and I join you, I saw no harm in showing a little appreciation.”

A little? Gabrielle shook her head internally. He called picking out the most expensive selections from the bottle service menu little? Their table now boasted the choicest spirits and even rare vintage champagne. She didn’t even want to think about the cost of the personal cocktail server who’d come over to mix their drinks, all thanks to Adam.

He’d said something earlier about being in a celebratory mood tonight, and Gabrielle had wondered what the big occasion was. She’d been about to tell him she was celebrating, too – but cringed at letting him know it was for a new job. It wouldn’t do to seem lame, would it, especially when he looked so accomplished himself. A banker, maybe? Or someone in entertainment? He certainly had the “hip” look and could easily make the cover of GQ with his chill corporate style.

Not that Gabrielle was surprised. This was one of the most exclusive champagne bars in the city and was owned by a celebrity rapper. It was a place to enjoy some people-watching as well as to be seen. The perks of having her best friend on the staff meant they could roll up in style and breeze right past the waiting lines.

Tonight had been extra special with the free bottle service added on, but then Mr. Gorgeous had to show up and tip the scales to the point of insane good fortune. Gabrielle had never seen Ayana in such high spirits, but then who could blame her? They’d struck gold to be joined by a couple of guys who definitely knew how to party like VIPs. This would be a perfect night to loosen up and just live for the moment, so what was holding her back?

Her friends came back, including Ayana and Adam’s friend. More bottles and other refreshments appeared on the table, while a performance started up. Ayana and Gabrielle excused themselves to go to the ladies’ room and freshen up. Once there, Ayana teased Gabrielle for not trying out the dance floor yet.

“That’s not even a real dance floor,” Gabrielle snorted. “Hardly great for dancing. Well, at least it’s not loud and hectic, so maybe I’ll give it a go if I like what the DJ spins later.”

Ayana shook her head at Gabrielle. “I thought we came to have fun? Seriously, I’m feeling a tad guilty for enjoying myself this much. Jake’s cool, and I’m really feeling him. How about you and Adam? Now he’s super-hot. What did you guys talk about anyway?”

“This and that. I’m all for socializing, but seriously, these are random men who showed up at our table. How can you be so casual about it?”

“What do you mean? The other girls I work with know them – I told you they’re regulars. Besides, when I go out, it’s about the shared experience of all the crazy fun and music. Getting to meet someone hot and spend time together is an added bonus.” Ayana sent Gabrielle a look of resignation. “It’s so messed up how you keep being so inhibited. We’re only young once and right now we’re single, so what on earth’s stopping you?”

Gabrielle expelled a breath and shrugged at her reflection in the mirror. “I don’t know.”

“Well, it’s time to find out.” Ayana grabbed Gabrielle’s shoulders and brought them face to face. “I want you to shed the uptight and overly cautious Gabrielle I’ve always known and surprise yourself. You already have a great subject just waiting to experiment on.”

“I do?” Gabrielle shivered as she thought of Adam. What if he wasn’t even there when she got back? Or worse, had some other woman wrapped around him? She really liked him, and yes, even that side of him that seemed so unattainable and hard-edged. It all added to his indisputable sex appeal, even as it sent up a warning signal that he’d be dangerous to play for a fool.