Still, they had a few more hiccups ahead.


It came in the form of Gabrielle’s parents, who now that they knew she was back in the country, demanded she come home to visit.

Adam promised that they’d go that weekend, after he’d done some checking up at the office. Gabrielle felt wary about it, but couldn’t back out now. She knew they were going to be hard on her, but she still felt weighed down when her fears came true. It felt doubly worse knowing Adam was there to see it…. Her parents complained about everything she did, such as her life choices, including her recent predicament, which is what they called her pregnancy.

She could see how surprised he was, and yet he sent her totally into shock when he went straight to her defense. “Gabrielle did a great job while working for me and I was impressed how quick a learner she is. It felt like once she found her niche, she just kept growing and springing up concepts even I couldn’t have thought up. That’s why we both decided she’d further her studies with a Masters in Corporate Finance – and she’s already applied.”

Her parents looked startled, but were quick to recover, mumbling about just what good would another fancy degree be when she was yet to sort out her personal life, being pregnant and unmarried.

“Who said we aren’t getting married?” Adam asked, and this time even Gabrielle looked shocked. She couldn’t help but burst out in a daze, “Are we?”

His answer was to smile and lift her hand to his lips. He turned to her parents, who were by now finally stupefied into silence. Though it looked like it was exactly what they were pushing for, fretted Gabrielle, seeing as they could barely cloak their approval.

Maybe a part of her felt Adam had just said it to appease her parents, so her astonishment was real when she emerged from the bedroom one morning the following week and saw Hilda Black. “Hello, Gabrielle. I was busy in Milan for the fashion week but when Adam said I had to prepare you for a wedding, I didn’t hesitate but flew right over.”

Gabrielle was speechless as she stared all around her. It was a whole makeover scene – hair stylist, makeup artist, and a white dress.

“I’m definitely not giving Gabrielle the chance to change her mind,” Adam said from behind her, and she turned dazedly to watch him walking in with a smile.

“Change my mind? But I haven’t even said yes to anything yet!” she exclaimed, while her heart pounded as Adam slowly retrieved an engagement ring from his pocket. Hilda and everyone else present were beaming as they looked on.

He stared fixedly into Gabrielle’s eyes. “Are you going to say no?”

Slowly, a happy smile broke over her face, and she shook her head as she let him place the dazzling ring on her finger. She threw her arms around him joyously, and heard him breathe, “Thank goodness,” into her hair as he hugged her tightly back. Her grin widened at that.

Later that day, they were married before a Justice of the Peace. Then Adam brought them home for dinner prepared by none other than his favorite chef, Adele Brighton. Gabrielle gasped in awe when she saw the amazing array of food prepared. “Thank you, Adele. I’ll certainly not pass up the chance to taste your wonderful dishes this time.”

Adele nodded with a smile and proceeded to plate their courses as Adam and Gabrielle sat at the intimate candle-lit dinner table for two. It felt like they were in the most romantic dining spot in the world and not simply their own home. As they ate, they had a view from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, displaying the moonlight over the green landscape. It was a dream of a wedding night, much later behind the bedroom doors…


A year later.

Gabrielle smiled for the cameras taking endless shots of her and her groom, standing on the immaculate lawn used for their outdoor wedding.

A whole lot of things were different from their civil ceremony. Also, she was now a mother of seven-month old twins, a boy and a girl. They could be seen crawling and climbing everywhere they could reach, watched dotingly by Gabrielle’s parents. She could still remember how much of a surprise the twins, Bryan and Brianna, had been!

Gabrielle had started to fall ill during her sixth month, and Adam had followed her to the doctor’s. His initial diagnose after the tests came through made Gabrielle feel a burst of fear. “Looks like the iron deficiency anemia is showing up again.”

“Oh no,” she’d breathed. She knew that the condition could heighten the risk of a preterm delivery, or a low birth weight baby.

Adam had squeezed her hand reassuringly and asked what could be the cause.