Just as quickly as the fantasy started, Gabrielle snapped out of it with a hard blink. Her vision cleared, and she realized she’d been staring at Adam. He gave a smirk. Could he read her sinful thoughts? Gabrielle shivered and looked away with hot cheeks.

But then came his lips against her ear. “Dance with me.”

Instant tremors hit her core, making Gabrielle aware of how tight her bra suddenly seemed beneath her clothes. It felt almost as if her breasts had swelled, the nipples puckering in response to that husky invitation.

He’d drawn back a safe distance, resting against the sofa and arching that dark brow at her. Gabrielle wanted to say no. Adam looked like the type who had his way all the time. Gabrielle had had her share of attractive, cocky males and knew they expected you to feel grateful they even spared you a moment’s attention.

“Sorry. I can’t leave my friend,” Gabrielle said by way of explanation. But then Ayana just had to go ruin everything, as she picked that moment to stand up along with Jake and follow him off to the dance floor.

Hiding her embarrassment, Gabrielle spun round with a big smile. "The truth is, I can't dance. I've got the worst coordination skills, all limbs and awkward moves."

"Then you'll just need to follow my lead." His smoky voice sounded like silk temptation, and Gabrielle couldn't get over the vast depths of green in his beautiful eyes. Gabrielle had never used the word beautiful for a man before, but Adam struck her in so many strange ways.

"You're always the one in control, aren't you?" she asked in sudden insight. "You like it when a woman lets you take charge."

His eyes gleamed. "If we're about to get personal, I'd say I sense a correlated essence in you to let the right man dominate your needs, your fulfilment. You're confident and independent, but you also take pride in the soft, submissive side of your femininity."

Gabrielle stared at him for a few moments, the room fading back as his words streamed into her consciousness. Suddenly, she burst out laughing, diffusing the tense atmosphere. "What were we talking about again?" she joked.

Adam smiled and lifted his tumbler to take a deep swallow. Gabrielle watched him with an inner groan. Every single thing he did was sexy.

"Getting you to say yes to dancing with me. It would be a great way to get better acquainted."

"Sure, because I came here for that," Gabrielle said drily. "I'm not really looking for anything tonight, Adam."

"Even better," he replied with rumbling approval. "Because neither am I."

Gabrielle turned to stare at him. He met her searching gaze fully. Something passed between them. His eyes held a crackling sexual awareness.

This mutual attraction was unexpected. To physically feel in tune with someone you didn't even know or have anything in common with. A primal understanding that flashed like a moment's lightning, frightening and exhilarating.

Almost as if in a daydream, Gabrielle asked, “Has anyone ever told you…?”

“Don’t say it,” he growled. He frowned and looked like he knew exactly what she wanted to ask. “Shia LaBeouf?”

Gabrielle grinned. “Yes, just a whole lot buffer and well, hotter. But definitely a huge resemblance." Her teasing smile seemed to bring a slight tug to his own firm, sexy lips, as she added, "You get that a lot, right?”

“At least a few times a day,” he huffed, then narrowed his gaze on her lips with a disturbingly exciting fixation.

Gabrielle’s smile faded. “Why do I have a feeling I’m going to do something really crazy and out of character tonight?” she asked almost to herself.

“It depends on who you do it with,” he said, refilling her glass and his. He handed her the drink, and their fingers brushed. Yep, the electricity was no joke. Instant sex karma. Was this what Ayana felt all those times with her random bedmates? A flash in the pan attraction that went cool in the light of morning, but blew a furnace of satisfaction while it lasted?

Oh, Gabrielle would love to give in to something like that just once, but it was always only in her head. She just didn’t have that kind of daring.

“Though, if just the thought of dancing with me has you running scared…” mused Adam, which got Gabrielle’s defenses up.

“I’m not scared. I just think there are plenty of willing females here who could easily afford you the amusement you seek.” She looked away with a slight toss of her hair. This man. He made her so angry, on no other grounds but that she was really, really tempted by him and didn’t know what was happening to her.