Gabrielle’s heart melted with both guilt and exhilaration. Guilt that he may have guessed all along that she’d planned on leaving, walking away from everything. She’d gone along with him on everything so far, banking on keeping a part of her locked away so she could muster the strength to give him up.

She’d been hurting, hiding feelings of inadequacy beneath her bright smiles. Never feeling really beautiful enough, nor worthy enough to be at his side.

On the one hand, was knowing that his mother and the rest of his family might do all they could to keep them apart. While on the other, was having to go over everything Adam had done to make her see he cared. The holiday, this house, and all the many ways he’d shown her regard while treating her as an equal.

Expelling a decisive breath, Gabrielle finally looked up at Adam. “Okay.”

“Okay?” His brow quirked, and she smiled.

“I’ll stay,” she amplified. She didn’t need to add that she meant not just in the house with him, but together, as a couple. Let’s stay together. She moved her body close to his and kissed his neck softly. Adam groaned and gathered her tightly in his arms. Moments later, they shared sweet, sensual kisses. Gabrielle relaxed into him and let the warmth of her man soak into her.

My man. She’d never let herself think like that until right this moment. Now, she wanted to feel completely like his woman. Squirming, she pulled back from him, then keeping her eyes on his, she started to unbutton her shirt.

Adam’s green eyes blazed. “No. Allow me.”

Gabrielle nodded, her hands falling away. He slowly rid her of her shirt and pants, before his nimble hands did away with her bra and panties. When she stood naked before him, her skin flushed shyly under his intense gaze.

“I don’t tell you enough how beautiful your body is. I’m going to rectify that from this moment. You’re exquisite.”

“Thanks,” she breathed, as she watched him tear off his clothes. “So are you.”

He gave a hot grin, took her hand and placed it around his thick, long erection. Her eyes glazed over, and she almost wanted to drop her hand from the surge of heat and power she felt in his member. The eloquence of his whole form always amazed her. Lightly tan skin, smooth muscles, rippling flesh and oooh, his big, sexy manhood. Her core sizzled between her legs, and her tongue traced her lips while Adam watched the lust leaping in her eyes.

She’d had him in her mouth before and had relished the enjoyment. She saw him fist his base and stroke on it and knew how on edge he was from the veins popping everywhere, even on his neck. He pushed her gently down to her knees in front of him, and Gabrielle went obediently. She loved to pleasure him as intricately as he did to her on every occasion.

Staring straight up at him, she opened her lips and took him in to the hilt in slow, edging swallows. Her hands stroked all over his sleek form, his torso, thighs and ass. She held to the firm cheeks with her palms as he sawed in and out of her mouth. His fingers in her hair kept her face upturned, and it was so intense this way, watching each other. Seeing the give and take intertwine and blur together, and knowing that both sides derived equal fulfilment from the act.

She knew when he reached the peak, his thrusts moving faster and deeper in her throat. She pushed down on his shaft as it stretched her lips almost painfully, not letting him draw out. Her brown eyes communicated her intentions, and Adam groaned his acknowledgment.

“Shit. Fuck, Gabrielle.”

Gabrielle watched in fascination as she saw his face contort in the same moment he ejaculated, copious amounts filling her esophagus in jet streams. Gabrielle swallowed as quickly as she could, his taste a familiar and savory delight.

Finally licking him clean, Gabrielle smiled up at him, before he helped her up and swept her into his arms. They kissed all the way to the master bedroom, where he set his back against the massive pillows on the bed and drew Gabrielle’s body up to sit astride his face.

Countless minutes of belly-clamping ecstasy passed, as Adam’s tongue and lips worked magic on Gabrielle’s sex as her thighs sandwiched his head. He didn’t stop until she came twice, and then he slid her down again, planting her over his rock hard tip and then impaling her in one swift stroke.

They’d have many months ahead of them for sex as raunchy and wild as this, but somehow Gabrielle would always remember their first night together in their new home. And how before early morning they’d christened almost every room in the mansion with freaky, near-crippling sex. Normal people would possibly be alarmed by just how freaky they got, but Gabrielle’s doctor had been very helpful in assuring them what was safe for the baby and what wasn’t.