Her heavy breathing filled the whole room. She fisted a hand in his hair again, tugging harder than ever before as her orgasm coasted forward. Something deep in her stomach expanded and climbed, her nerve center sizzling as it buckled beneath the sumptuous stimulation of his fingers and tongue.

“So beautiful and sexy,” he growled, looking up at her blissful expression. Watching her face, he pulled out his fingers to lift his hand slightly, then brought it down to slap her swollen clit. Once, twice. Thrice, and she cried out in pleasure-pain as that final impact shuttled her into space and back.

Gabrielle fell back on the desk, watching the ceiling spin around and around as her lower body convulsed. Adam held her clit in the heat of his mouth while she came, using his tongue at her entrance to catch the dewy pearls of moisture.

He didn’t stop till he’d lapped every last drop. She watched him with drowsy eyes from where she lay on her back and saw his gaze gleam as he looked up at her. “This is mine,” he said, with one final kiss on her puffy sex. “And you’re mine. Don’t ever ask me to let go.”

Gabrielle didn’t know what to do. Her body wanted Adam just as much as her heart did. Would it be right to deny both exactly what they craved? What would it take to let go of all her doubts and trust what she now let herself see glowing in his eyes?

It would be so easy to say yes, to whatever he was asking. But she had to ask herself if she was being real about this.

Her first thought when she’d found out about the pregnancy was that she’d fucked up. A man worth as much as he was would never really want anything serious with a woman who wasn’t in his social bracket. Not to even think of having a baby with her.

Yet to her surprise, he’d turned around and done the unexpected. She almost let herself start to hope that this went deeper than just the fact that they were having a baby. What if he really cared and simply wanted the best for them?

I’ll just have to wait and see. Gabrielle hadn’t given Adam a straight answer. As to the current projects the company had undertaken, he assured her that during the trip, he’d assign his skilled team of finance mavens to ensure things ran smoothly while he was away.

He let her know that right now what mattered was getting her health back on steady ground, for her sake and the baby’s.

Ayana was green with envy at the news but she was just as happy to know that things were going well. When Gabrielle had told her about the baby, she’d been as elated as Gabrielle felt, while still feeling worry at how things would progress for her friend. Now, Ayana felt more and more at ease. “Nothing like a little couple’s vacation in the land of sunshine and charm to heat things up. Not that the two of you need any help with that. Just being alone in the same room with you guys makes me feel like I should jump in a cold shower.”

Gabrielle giggled at that, embarrassed to think her lust for Adam was so blatant. But then her smile dimmed. Noticing it, Ayana asked what was wrong.

Letting out a sigh, Gabrielle shook her head. “A part of me feels so happy. I want this baby. And if a romantic relationship with Adam comes along with it, then that’s great. I just – I don’t know, it feels overshadowed by this feeling of failure. I’m not sure how to tell Adam about the fact that my parents will not be happy about this.”

Ayana gave a nod of understanding. “Knowing them, they’re going to be very hard on you about this. I know how tough they were on you for just about everything.”

“Yeah… my non-existent career and love life. Now, I felt I was beginning to succeed and prove them wrong. Now this happened. It makes me seem like such a loser, right? Unmarried and pregnant.”

“I don’t see how motherhood can be considered a failure.” Ayana bristled as she jumped up to pace the room. “You’re an adult, more than old enough and responsible enough to start a family. Sure, the whole set up is not exactly the conventional one of marriage then babies, but who cares? And what right has anyone to judge?”

“I know, right.” She sighed deeply.

“Look, if I were you, I’d just focus on you. And the baby, of course. Any other problem can sort itself out. Now, let’s plan all the lingerie and swimwear you’ll be needing for your trip. Crystal blue beaches, great food, the best luxury hotels and all that unique culture and history… It’s a perfect chance to fall in love. We’ll find you some sexy beauties to help it all along.”

Gabrielle groaned in embarrassment at Ayana’s suggestive words. “I’m more worried about all the air travel involved. I’ve never flown before.”