Yet all the success and smarts made him stand out all the more and for that he never really had many friends or people he could really be himself around. There’d only been Jake, and Jake was more like family now. He’d been as happy for Adam about the deal as if it was his own company winning it, and it had been his idea to get Adam to go out to celebrate with drinks.

Their man-date had ended with Adam meeting a woman who’d made him start to question the things he’d counted as important. Even without doing anything, Gabrielle became his anchor. It was baffling in the sense that he couldn’t even explain when and how it happened. It just did.

Just like an alchemist who knew what compounds mixed, Adam felt he and Gabrielle just fit. Now, it was up to him to make her think and feel the same.


The next few days saw Gabrielle going through different stages of emotions. Fear, joy, awe and then courage, heightened by the belief that she could face the future.

There was no doubt who the father was – she just hadn’t expected his reaction. Adam had made his intentions clear from the moment they found out. Even when she’d firmly stated that he should leave her alone and stay out of her life, he didn’t budge.

Inside his car, as they drove away from the hospital that fateful day they’d first been told she was pregnant, he’d given her a steady look and said, “I can leave you alone for now, but I’m not going to stay out of your life. We need each other, Gabrielle, and I’ll be the first to admit that.”

Those words kept ringing in her ear even now, days later. He’d given her the rest of the week off, but Gabrielle had shown up the third day. “This time, I’m going to start what I finish,” she told him adamantly as she stood in his office that morning. “Unless you tell me right now that I’m fired.”

“You still have three weeks to go. I don’t plan on firing you even if I could,” he said, before leaving his desk and coming to take her shoulders in a gentle grip. “I understand why this may be important to you, but are you sure you’ll be okay?”

Gabrielle nodded. “I’ve been taking my medication and following the doctor’s orders. If I get too swamped, I’ll let you know.”

Adam frowned, looking undecided.

Gabrielle added, “Look, it’s a very important time for A.B. Financials, what with the big contracts newly closed. You may find a new replacement, but I’ve been working on the deals longer and I should stick with this. Once the trial period is up in about a month, I’ll see what’s next.”

Little did Gabrielle know what could change in a month. For the three weeks left, she put her best into work while still focusing on her health. She was glad Adam gave her the needed space outside of the office. Though he constantly checked on her through calls, texts and such, he respected her wishes and didn’t push too hard.

But each day, he made her resolve weaker. She didn’t want to need him or anyone, but with the pregnancy becoming more and more of a reality as she began to show, she couldn’t keep herself aloof. She really didn’t want to face this all alone, but could she open up to Adam?

When her probation period was up, she felt a sense of achievement knowing that she’d finished something for the first time in a long while. Whether she got the job or not, she’d at least know she could stick at something for as long as needed without giving up.

That day, she stood in Adam’s office and awaited his decision.

“I’m not saying whether I’m giving you the job or not,” he told her, making her stiffen. He then raised a hand in a bid to keep her silent. “Let me finish. You’ve proven to be a valuable asset to the company. But hiring you as an employee will give rise to a few complications. I only suggest that we talk and consider the best alternative.”

“What are you talking about?” Gabrielle couldn’t hide her frustration. Did she get the job or not?

“Gabrielle, you’re pregnant. With my baby,” he said, causing her to snatch in a harsh breath as she met his piercing gaze. “I’ve tried to give you enough time to wrap your head around it. I’m happy you chose to keep the pregnancy, and what’s more, that you don’t intend to shut me out of it. You know I’m more than happy to take responsibility. But are you sure that’s enough?”

“I don’t know,” she said, while half-glaring at him. “I’m not willing to make any demands on you.” I’m a strong, independent black woman. Did he think she was going to “cash in” just because she was having a baby for a billionaire? Most women would think they’d hit the jackpot, but Gabrielle knew she’d never choose money over love. She needed far more than he could ever offer her, and she couldn’t dare tell him that.