Now that they were finally getting along, she didn’t want to take it for granted. After that episode at his place, he’d shown a far more considerate side. They got on far better and Gabrielle had to keep fighting off her growing feelings. Any kind of physical contact or familiarity was seriously avoided, especially on Gabrielle’s part. She’d let Adam play her body like a piano more than enough times. Just thinking about the time in that bedroom when she’d been ready to just fall on her back and let him take her, she wanted to cringe. He’d pulled away and left her panting, and the ache still throbbed between her legs when she thought of his kiss.

Instead of reaching for her phone to call in sick, Gabrielle drew up from her reserves and rolled out of bed. Adam needed her today of all days, so she just had to suck it up. So far, she’d been able to hide it from him that she hadn’t been feeling that well. She was so close to the finish line now and couldn’t let anything set her back. Even though she’d thrown up every morning last week, after a bath she felt better and managed to make it to work.

Now with these new stomach cramps, she decided she’d definitely have to make a doctor’s appointment.

But that could wait till later. Now she had to get ready or she’d really be late.


Gabrielle expelled an inner sigh of relief when the meeting ended without a hitch. She’d noticed Adam’s worried frown settle on her a few times, but there was no opportunity for any private exchange between them, thanks to the VIP clients and top execs of the company present.

As Adam was stalled by one of the female execs just as he made to leave, Gabrielle chose that moment to make her escape. Gathering up the materials she came with, she headed out of the boardroom. She was surprised to meet Scott in the hallway and gave him a warm greeting, which he returned. But as she tried to side-step him, he blocked her with a teasing grin.

“First time I’ve seen you all week and you’re in that much of a hurry to get on your way?” he asked, pushing his hands in his pockets, eyes twinkling.

“It was a long meeting,” she said by way of explanation. Over the past weeks they’d drawn closer, but it was nothing more than friendship. She knew his reputation for serial dating around the office and wondered why no one seemed to put him in check, despite the strict policies of the company against employee relations.

But then he was never obvious about it, above his normal flirting such as now. This time, he was intent on getting Gabrielle to go out for a meal with him.

“Not even dinner?” he asked, cocking his head and smiling, before his eyes narrowed on her face as she sighed wearily. “You’ve been looking off color lately. Boss not driving you too hard, is he?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” Gabrielle said, lips pursed together as she thought of never letting Adam see any of her weak spots, or giving him reason to complain.

“I can almost see how wound up tight you are,” Scott said, and Gabrielle looked up at him, feeling grateful for the sincere concern in his voice. “At least let me help you decompress. Come on, don’t make me beg, Gabrielle. When do you get off?”

“She gets off when I tell her to.”

Gabrielle turned and saw Adam, who looked just as unamused as his tone sounded. “Don’t you have work to do?” he asked her, and Gabrielle ducked her head and went off to her office without bothering to answer. She could hear Adam speaking to Scott. “I warned you about fooling around, Scott.”

She didn’t wait to listen for more and sped away. With all her so-called bravado, she didn’t really like standing up to Adam unless necessary. Something about him was so compelling it made her feel so weak and gooey. So stupid, she berated herself with a huff. Though she hated to entertain any softened heart where Adam was concerned, she had to admit he had his good points. Lately, he’d cut down on her workload and sometimes let her go home early if she’d finished her tasks.

He was beginning to treat her like a real employee, not some laborer. A small smile drew across her lips, to be replaced by a groan as she felt suddenly queasy again. Suddenly the pain was everywhere. Her skull, her stomach, her groin. Gasping, she felt powerless to keep from slumping down over her desk in a faint.

Adam walked into Gabrielle’s office and saw her asleep on her desk. Her hair fanned out across the papers scattered about. He hadn’t realized how tired she was. He’d noted her strained features during the meeting and had been worried. But seeing her smiling with Scott had made him angry. Almost as quickly, he’d felt stupid for his actions. He’d come in to tell her to leave at the normal hour today, as he planned on using a temp for the rest of the day.