Knowing she had a job waiting lifted her spirits immeasurably, and she got into the party mood with the rest of her friends. She was busy laughing at something one of the girls said and barely noticed that one of the staff, Rachel, had come to speak in Ayana’s ear.

A few moments later, Ayana was nudging Gabrielle, saying something about the club running out of VIP tables, and asking if Gabrielle minded sharing theirs?

“They’re a couple of high rollers – and regulars, too. It would be great if we could oblige them,” Ayana said.

“Sure, why not?” Gabrielle said, barely glancing over her shoulder at the guys. She was too busy having fun.

But when a tall shadow crossed to her side and sat down, she had to make room by edging closer to Ayana. And that’s when she looked up and saw him.

At first Gabrielle gave a start, thinking she’d just gotten to sit next to Shia LaBeouf. But a few seconds perusal told her he was really just a very close look-alike, complete with the bad-boy stubble.

He looked as cozy in his suit as most guys looked in their favorite sweats. Even in clothes, his body looked ultra-cut in ways that even his perfectly tailored outfit couldn’t hide. And when he picked that moment to flash a smile, he had Gabrielle thinking of “white man” and “sex” in the same sentence for the very first time. Like, she literally went moist in three seconds flat of seeing the guy and he wasn’t even her usual type.

No, Gabrielle didn’t really do chestnut-haired, green-eyed white men in thousand-dollar suits and Cartier watches who looked like they could be A-list celebs. The VIP section was dotted with them tonight, but none of them left her as star-struck as this handsome stranger. After all, he might be white but damn, tall and handsome was definitely her type in any color.

He was saying something, and it took a moment for the fog of desire to clear so she could actually make out his words. Thank goodness the music in the club was just loud enough to make comfortable conversation.

“I’m Adam, pleased to meet you,” he said, with an arched brow that seemed to leave the sentence as a question.

“Gabrielle,” she said, returning his charming smile. With his leading-man looks and dress sense, Gabrielle could imagine it wouldn’t take much more than his charm and smile to hook the ladies. To her surprise, he then introduced Gabrielle to his friend, who was seated on the other end, on Ayana’s right side. The way they were coupled off, anyone would think they were on a planned double-date.

Gabrielle wasn’t about to think of her present “pairing up” with this stranger as fate, but she definitely could call it a golden opportunity.

After all, who would mind the attentions of an attractive, successful-looking male? His demeanor reeked of money, but that wasn’t all. She liked that there was an edge about him, something almost cold beneath his convivial exterior. “You got one of the best tables in the house. We appreciate you letting us butt in on you guys,” he said.

“It’s nothing, really,” Gabrielle said with a shrug. Oh wait, did this guy really think she could afford all this? Again, she felt like it was all such a lark. Hell, why not? She could play the well-heeled socialite for tonight. Wouldn’t it be fun, flirting and letting loose with a mysterious stranger on a perfect night like this?

“As a thank you, why don’t we make sure we keep you ladies’ glasses full?” said his friend, Jake. He was young and handsome, too, dressed in a power suit with a V-neck sweater and open-necked white shirt. His blond hair flopped in a mid-parting on his forehead, giving him an almost boyish air. Gabrielle smiled to herself as she caught Ayana giving him a speculative gaze from over the rim of her glass as she sipped. Gabrielle didn’t really think Ayana had a “type,” but this Jake certainly looked like someone she would favor for a night’s entertainment.

What about me? Gabrielle wondered if she would consider a one-time encounter with a hot stranger. Earlier that day, she’d thrown out the comment to Ayana that she’d think about it, but hadn’t really meant her words about trying anything crazy with someone she just met.

So where were all these notions coming from? Adam seemed nice, yes, and she liked that he treated her as an equal. But he thought she was something she was not, which held her back a bit.

And yet, it also made her excited.

Had to be all that champagne and her happiness over her new job making her feel so reckless. It was all in her head, of course. She pictured it already – giving in to the handsome Adam. With just a look from those piercing green eyes, he’d own her submission. He wouldn’t need to say a word, but would take her hand and lead her away, through the crowd to a private place. No one would find them there – no one would hear her moans, when he’d push her back against the wall, grab her hips and wrap her legs around his waist as he drove into her in one thrust.