“It could have been a lot worse, I guess,” she admitted.

Adam shrugged. “Safety wise, I know that I’m clean and was able to discover from your health records in your employment files that you are too. And you must be on the pill, so the chance of pregnancy was forestalled. Definitely could have been worse.”

“Yeah. Whew. How lucky were we…” Gabrielle’s voice suddenly petered off as the word pregnancy really sank in. Her mind darted as she tried to remember when she’d last had her period in the last two months. The hectic work schedule, the tension and stressful environment…Oh no.

She stared at Adam and her mouth fell open. All those dizzy spells, the fainting, the stomach cramps…could it mean she was…?

No way. Not freaking likely.

“Gabrielle? Look, I’m sorry I brought you here without your consent. But I was really worried about you. It felt like it was my fault, pushing you hard with all the responsibilities you’ve had to take on.”

“Why apologize? I’m only doing my job. Well, not that it’s my job yet.”

“One thing for sure, I find it admirable that you made it this far. You should feel proud. Not many could have stood to the test.”

“I feel like it’s the first time I really stood for anything,” Gabrielle said soberly. “Or found anything truly worth making a stand for.” Her voice grew husky as she spoke, her eyes lifting to meet Adam’s. He had an intense look in them that made her quiver. To diffuse the atmosphere, she laughed nervously.

“Thanks for making sure I’m okay. I’d better go.”

“It’s Saturday, so you don’t have to worry about work or being late. If you have nowhere else to be, why don’t we have some breakfast?” Adam offered.

Gabrielle couldn’t imagine why he’d want to spend more time around her. She’d embarrassed him by giving him all that attitude last night and then worse, fainting on him. “My best friend Ayana will be worried. We’re roommates,” she explained.

“I know that. So I had Jake call her number. They keep in contact, so she knows you’re with me. You’re safe.”

Gabrielle almost huffed that safe would never be a word she’d use in relation to Adam. Not out of any real fear of him, but just – she simply couldn’t trust herself around him. In the work setting, and while acting as his P.A, there was always that temporary emotional hack she could use to get through the situation. But now, and in her vulnerable state with all her raw emotions and such, she just didn’t know what could happen.

“Adam, you’re my boss. I don’t think this is appropriate. And considering our past…history, we shouldn’t leave anything to chance by prolonging any non-official interaction.” Gabrielle was babbling, she knew. She had no idea what was even coming out of her mouth right then.

“When you say chance, does that mean there’s even a slight possibility you might be…swayed?” His green eyes were hooded, the shade deepening thanks to the matching color he wore. Never had a man in all-green everything look this sinfully attractive.

“Swayed to what?” Gabrielle cocked her head at him, feeling a sinking dread that he could somehow read her every emotion and tell how powerless she really was against this insane chemistry.

“You tell me. All I’m asking is that we share breakfast, not a sex marathon,” Adam said on a dark chuckle, adding huskily, “But then again…”

He took her trim waist in his hands and pulled her closer. He liked that her body seemed unresisting to his gentle touch, which proved to have more influence than if he used brute force.

“Adam, what are you really up to?” she breathed with a frown.

“Truthfully? I’m not sure,” murmured Adam. Her silken brown eyes stared up at him, those plumped lips reminding him of their first sensually explicit encounter. The designer dress hung on her like a second skin, showing every mouthwatering curve. Her big breasts strained against the bodice and he remembered how they’d felt in his hands, in his mouth.

“Then why don’t you just let me go?” Now she glared at him, her lips slightly parted as she spoke.

Adam couldn’t help himself and claimed the mouth that had never been far from his thoughts for the past two months.

He ran his tongue along the rim of her lips and then delved inside when she gasped hotly. The sound had him wanting her to make it even louder. Tearing from her lips, he kissed her jaw, then slid down the length of her arched throat. He nuzzled there for some moments as her scent filled his skull like a drug. Then he sucked on her flesh and gave a deep nibble, feeling her body shudder in response. Through the thin silk of her bodice, he could see her nipples perk up and jut out, making him want to take the hard tips into his mouth through the fabric.