“Good evening, Adam.” They’d been on a first name basis outside of work ever since she began accompanying him to events. When she spoke his name, sometimes she could swear his eyes darkened and gleamed, like now.

He cleared his throat slightly and adjusted his bowtie while shifting around in his spot. Could he be nervous? Gabrielle knew it was a big night for him, but she’d never seen him anything but cool and calm.

“Evening, Gabrielle. Hilda did a great job. You look amazing.”

“Thank you. So do you.” It wasn’t the first time he’d complimented her, so dammit why those butterflies in her stomach already? She had to get a freaking grip.

“There’s a lot of Press tonight, but that shouldn’t be a bother. Some red carpet photos and such. We may have to be photographed together,” he said.

“I don’t mind if you don’t,” she replied, feeling nervous herself all of a sudden.

“I don’t mind at all. Not when I have the most alluring companion at my side.” So saying, he took her hand and tucked it in his. She hated herself for it, but she loved it when he decided to lay on the charm. It was only because of the setting – Gabrielle told herself that – but she couldn’t help the way her insides turned to mush.

It actually ached to think that in a month, all this would probably be a forgotten dream slipping out of her fingers.

From that moment, the evening seemed to move in a blur. Bright lights and cameras, men and women in exquisite attire and everywhere decorated specially for the occasion with breathtaking designs.

Gabrielle could really get used to all the spotlight and glamor, but it really wasn’t her thing. She simply wanted to not embarrass Adam and thankfully, she held her own from the point of the red carpet walk and photos, to gathering with all the other distinguished guests to be ushered into the gold-and-cream themed hall.

It was indeed fit for a banquet, and Gabrielle felt awed by the extravagance and glam poured into the occasion. They were seated at a choice table, and the first thing Gabrielle noticed was that on Adam’s other side was a gorgeous brunette who immediately struck up a conversation with him. Gabrielle overheard the woman introducing herself and asking if Adam remembered her. He seemed at a loss at first, and then suddenly he snapped his fingers and laughed, saying that he did.

From what Gabrielle could gather, they’d attended high school together and now she worked as a director in her father’s financial firm, which Adam happened to know of.

Her hand now rested on his shoulder and Gabrielle looked away, not wanting to notice that contact, or the smile on Adam’s face. She glanced at the wine glass in front of her but decided against trying some. She hadn’t touched alcohol since that insane night she’d let Adam take her hard inside the men’s room of that bar. Besides, this was an official engagement and she wanted to have her senses about her.

But damn, she was tempted to get piss drunk as the evening progressed. That clingy brunette named Kiera snatched Adam’s attention every chance she got. The first hour went with numerous people giving speeches about their life and success. One speech was particularly funny and each time the speaker cracked a joke, Gabrielle wished she didn’t notice the way Kiera laughed and then gently slapped Adam’s shoulder. The man wasn’t that funny, thought Gabrielle in grim disgust at the woman’s antics.

The time for the awards came, and Gabrielle was able to forget her petty feelings for a moment. Adam won two awards, no mean feat considering he was up against some tough competition. Gabrielle was flushed with pride. You go, baby. Then she got angry at herself for feeling any special kind of pride, more than just for her boss but for her man. But Adam wasn’t her man. Get the damn memo, she told her foolish heart.

She knew he wasn’t hers, so why did she hate it so much the way Kiera fawned over him and kissed his cheek each time he went to collect his plaque? Gabrielle watched him give his brief, eloquent speech and her heart twisted. She was close to him every day but it felt like he was so out of her reach it was laughable. Was she crazy for these strange notions she was beginning to nurse? Why were her emotions all over the place of late? She was way more sensible than that.

Yet there was that stupid side, always putting the dumbest ideas in her head, especially when Adam had so far never shown any undue interest in another female. She worked so close with him, so she’d know if he was dating. So far, she hadn’t caught a whiff of him even hooking up with anyone. It was enough to give her hope, one he’d never encouraged in any way, thanks to his ever-aloof stance. All the more reason why she felt so pathetic now, watching Kiera ingratiate herself further with Adam.